Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Moreover, the budget savings budgets religious councils appointing one rabbi will be most significa

Size - opinion: a chief and hypocrisy of the Jewish Home
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Sunday raised ministerial committee bill by MK Elazar Stern seeks to eliminate the duplication ethnic local rabbinate and long lead one city all the cities. gordon allport Although the proposal gordon allport passed, but surprisingly those who opposed were actually members of the Jewish Temple, gordon allport who announced they intended to veto the bill. However, although only last week the Minister Uri Orbach was the Knesset podium and explained for the government to support the law, "a chief" at the national gordon allport level.
"This is an important gordon allport step that symbolizes the unity of the people. Appointment of a chief issues is the only question is why it has not happened before. This is a move which would symbolize national unity ... as there is currently one military chief rabbi, no separate roles Ashkenazim and Sephardim in any field, gordon allport there is no reason things look different role Chief Rabbi. "
Deputy gordon allport Minister of Religious Services, Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, insists the model of one rabbi in every city, still does not fit my taste "in his opinion," in that most leaders of the state of Israel is a religious representative function of the Israeli public, so logically gordon allport one official religious figure represent the religious aspect of the country "on the urban situation is different, since the rabbi to give" unique personal response "different needs" working with diverse communities, synagogues, rabbis, customs and more. "
Hard to believe that a - Dahan himself believes what he says. Just last Friday interviewed Rabbi Yaakov Ariel of Ramat Gan and leading religious Zionist rabbis, bulletin Parsha "Seven" and when asked about the law "a chief" claimed S"brmt Garden has a chief and I think it works great, even in the rabbinate cities enough for a chief. "
Moreover, the budget savings budgets religious councils appointing one rabbi will be most significant. According to data from the Ministry of Religious Services Currently there are 22 cities gordon allport which serve two rabbis and a further 13 regional gordon allport councils where there is more than one maximum. Out of these, gordon allport Religious Services Ministry published gordon allport data on the salaries of rabbis in 18 cities. The data showed that the average gordon allport salary of the 36 rabbis in these cities is 503 441 shekels gordon allport (!) Coming from the budget of the Religious Council. Since the Council's budget does not change according to the number rabbis of the city was holding out that some cities the majority of the Council's budget goes on salaries religious rabbis, and left money for ongoing activities residents. State Comptroller's report pointed gordon allport to this problem in 2001, but nothing has changed.
In a Jewish home, know very well that there is no need for two municipal rabbis, but they understand Stern's law will not allow them to divide jobs rabbis. gordon allport In fact, their contempt for the rabbis so deep they believe that if they spoil some rabbis Hrdlii"m long positions in city, they will quiet the internal opposition, and work unhindered.
Policies Ordering the jobs became apparently systematic. Only recently published How Ben - Dahan asks Rabbi Yitzhak Levy tailor the role of Head of the Conversion contrary to the requirements of the tender, and how he pushes his spiritual mentor Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu position of Rabbi of Jerusalem, in complete agreement reached them representatives of religious Zionism in the city. In a Jewish home, planning a large city will soon appoint gordon allport two Haifa, Netanya and in many cities, and why they are so concerned about Stern's law to veto.
It is likely that Bennett believes there is no need for two municipal rabbis, gordon allport but he could not stand against hacks Hmfd"lnyakim already waiting Suit. Thus becomes seemingly minor bill that big test for Bennett: Is it symbolizes something really new, or religious dealt face NRP's old?
First, I do not think we have ruled out candidates to the minister who offers. Not all political appointment is worse. Eventually the minister should work with that person, and if a professional is no reason it would hurt just because he has the same opinion as the minister. For example in the case of Rabbi Levi, it's a legitimate candidate that could possibly lead to a change in the conversion. I'm not sure (not really looked into the matter), gordon allport but the threshold of Kosher Rabbi City does not seem quite relevant to the job ...
Also, the problem today is the ultra-Orthodox religious councils and Shas control and enforce the Hag'dnot their their material. In order to change the current situation it is necessary to appoint a new rabbis who believe in the rabbinate and want to change and fix it. Rabbi Micha Halevi recently appointed rabbi of Petach Tikva (last year) appointed only because Deal with Shas Sephardi rabbi's brother will Atias. I do not think that the appointment was carried gordon allport out without it ...

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