Sunday, March 23, 2014

Debord biographer Anselm Giap (1), 50 years ago, Joseph Wood Krutch posed by the

Debord biographer Anselm Giap (1), 50 years ago, Joseph Wood Krutch posed by the "nature of the audit will be provided with a more complete people the opportunity to be what happened?" (2) the question Recalling today's puzzle, causes "of human action results to humanity itself such as "enemy formulated. The general crisis is deepening rapidly in all areas of life. At the level of the biosphere, this reality is not terribly well known, so be termed banal.
Increase in the rate of species extinction, the proliferation of dead zones in the world's oceans, cheffing the ozone hole, disappearing rain forests, global warming, the pervasive air, water and soil pollution Some of this reality. This is a creepy connection to the social world, the widespread use of drugs depends on the contamination of watersheds. (3) In this case, destruction, driven by massive alienation is masked by drugs. In the United States cheffing life-threatening obesity is sharply rising, severe depression and anxiety cheffing disorders for millions suffering is happening. (4) the past ten years among young people commit suicide cheffing rate three times the luer; homes, offices, schools, often multiple homicides erupted. cheffing (5) Ebola, Lassa fever, AIDS, Legionnaires' disease is known as the physiological cheffing basis as well as the emergence cheffing of new diseases, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and other "mysterious" psychosomatic diseases proliferated. Antibiotic-resistant TB, and malaria turn, mocked cheffing illusion of technological mastery, E coli, mad cow disease, such as West Nile virus outbreak not to mention. Only on modern spiritual misery, even a cursory survey will take pages. Barely suppressed anger, a sense of emptiness, the Z all the institutions of belief corrosion, high stress levels, always Kornoouh "social bond growing in the cracks" calls things contribute. (6) Today's reality, inadequacy of current theory and retreat from any redemptive project continues to underline. Left of life on Earth is being taken from us seems undeniable. The extremes of the human condition and the fragility of our planet's future, with each pairing is the depth of analysis cheffing and vision? Only available in a simple format with a summary of degradation and loss are together? Despite being scattered crisis at all levels is visible in its entirety. As Ulrich Beck: "People began to question modernity ... the premise of modernity began to wobble. Most people over-industrialization makeshift character uneasiness hear. "Agnes Heller, ruling the progress and development of the ideology cheffing of nature, contrary to the distance from the human condition less stable and complexity became uninhabitable observed that. (8) Frustration as well as something different, urgently is a growing sense that need. For a new orientation, struggle, theorists at a depth that's almost cheffing entirely avoided. Les Particules élémentaires (Michel Houlebecq millennium's last novel) as expressed chance of success, not malaise and collapse of social cheffing confidence to go beyond the analytical perspective from the foundation needs to be replaced. (9) This, for openers, Foucault's human relations is inevitable forms of technologized conclusion that in refusing. (10) Eric Voegelin put forward "as the price of progress t is a measure of". (11) However, the progress of nihilism progress with nihilism with each other are identical; breaking old, pauses come from? Progress of technology and modernity to offer a summary radically, How to pose a separate? No time to take a quick look will show their academic fashion, such a perspective there is certainly no. Fredric Jameson's apt formulation us introduce the topic is: "Postmodernism, the modernization process is complete and nature is gone for good owner that is something." (12) Postmodernism, defeat cheffing and reaction cheffing creates a value system is a mirror, (13) the alienation and destruction to new extremities of is the collapse of will and intellect to adapt. (13) According to postmodernists, almost nothing can be opposed. After all, the reality is much irregular, variable, cheffing complex, indeterminate, and oppositions, of course, are simply wrong ikilikçilik (binarism). Meaningless cheffing jargon and endless side-stepping the outdated dichotomy is exceeded. For example, Daniel White, "traditional oppressor-oppressed either-or extending beyond the postmodern-ecological assessment ..." has commanded. (14) Consumer realm of freedom, "the technology is penetrating, technologies selected this complex node," (14) According to Mike Michael, who is anything at all amiss

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