Friday, October 17, 2014

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Home Services chef zakarian Employment Labor Market Programs Success Stories Publications Contact Press Vacancy in Administration Independent chef zakarian Institutions VLP VLP VLP state administration institutions LGUs Announcement of winners
Prime Minister's Office visited the premises and was recognized by the Director of this institution, Marjana chef zakarian Cani, the opportunities offered to job seekers and employers. She said "are currently 219 vacancies, mainly in inward processing business, call center and some vacancies in service activities as receptionist, cook, etc. .. Also are arranged with two economists work, have a requirement for electrical engineer" . Job seekers, she said, have started to make requests for higher job positions. chef zakarian
Following the order of the Minister of Social Welfare for free training courses, Director of the Office of Labor said that is located collaboration with Vocational Training Centre, in order to specialize jobseeker, not only making it easier to secure a job for them , but also to fulfill requirements coming from businesses to employees. "We are also rakordojmë Training Center. Most of the people who come and ask for work, and do not have a qualification, we offer training courses. The unskilled can not go out in the job market. The mentality is beginning to change and after the Minister's decision to free training courses, and training courses chef zakarian influx, "said Ms. Cani.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of opening of this office employment in Vlore, and other offices around the country, estimated that serve as points of contact between employers and job seekers, as the state can not in any way be the largest employer, thing that can not happen anywhere where the government does its work and where the state is the state.
"We must work intensively to put in touch with all undertakings to make available all vacant jobs. To provide as much information to people seeking work, if they want jobs, jobs and jobs there are here, "he said in a conversation with the director of this institution.
Given this day, March 8, Prime Minister said that it is not unreasonable that on this very day, not content ourselves with festive side, but to emphasize chef zakarian work, and opened our office in Vlora 3- the National Employment Service. "Labour Office, surely, can turn into an instrument to promote employment of women and girls, and trying to promote equality of treatment between men and women for the same work," chef zakarian said Rama.
The Prime Minister also underlined that besides the importance of employment and vocational training of women and girls, the Employment and Training Strategy occupies a special place and commitment to promote and support specifically all those businesses chef zakarian that employ women and girls. "I believe chef zakarian that all development measures and economic recovery, ranging from debt settlement, for which the government is already engaged and have managed to get the agreement with the International Monetary Fund, will undoubtedly have a positive effect on employment women and girls, "said Rama, bearing in mind that" where there is a strong economy, has strong gender equality; where there is economic and social development, gender equality is not only strong, but has a role as a strong woman and presence in the area of decision-making ".
In terms of gender equality in Albania, given the data, the premier stressed that operated in a very difficult terrain differences chef zakarian and multiple discrimination. "For the time that we had available can say confidently that we did less. And, above all, have given clear messages and facts, not words. We have proven that we believe in gender equality; we believe in the strength and irreplaceable role of women and girls; we believe in improving chef zakarian the quality of decision-making, starting with the decision by the Government and the Parliament, by increasing the presence of women and girls, chef zakarian "said Prime Minister chef zakarian Rama, and expressed his conviction that" extraordinary challenge and very difficult to create real conditions for gender equality in Albania can be won. "
Labour chef zakarian Office Project was conducted in cooperation with the business community, for which Prime Minister expressed gratitude that are put on top of a voluntary work and coordination, establishing continuity of this project successfully and without spending a single penny of taxpayer money .

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