Thursday, February 19, 2015

In Norway we have a separate organization, the Bocuse d

In Norway we have a separate organization, the Bocuse d'Or Norway, which should help the candidate towards chief keef our competition. We asked the CEO of Bocuse chief keef d'Or Norway, Arne Sørvig, what makes the Bocuse d'Or so popular for Norwegian audiences.
- Norway has very good results in the competition since Arne Brimi in 1987 first time took a trip to Lyon. Since then, many chefs followed in his footsteps, and all have been beloved chief keef craftsmen who still have in the industry. How have they inspired hundreds of young chefs to be proud and to develop chief keef the subject further. In addition they have inspired hundreds chief keef of thousands of Norwegians to become more curious of cooking and ingredients.
How goes the competition Competition hall is divided chief keef into many small kitchen stands. All candidates have been assigned a place where they make food, and a judge from each participating nation prancing along kitchen benches chief keef and collects impressions underway. Here it is important to keep steady hand and not be distracted, but here goes nothing chief keef set for themselves! The audience at the Bocuse d'Or is known for creating life and movement with both Hoing and chants.
Good support It is not only the candidate who must make an effort: - It is eventually chief keef 12 Norwegian chefs who competed in Lyon, and through its association with the Bocuse d'Or Norway ask the their experience at the disposal of Chef of the Year. Competent need a place to train, machinery and equipment, access to raw materials, access to good advice, not to mention the time to exercise, says Arne Sørvig. This year there Odd Ivar Solvold coach, while Jimmy Eye is Orjan commis. - These constitute a team that will act as a clock work during the competition, and so cooperation is not created through bursts weeks before the competition, says Arne.
So what tasks candidates must implement the 27th - 28th of January? - They will make a fish dish and a meat dish, and they will be so good that they blow chef hats by jury. It is primarily about taste, but also presentation and ethnicity are important criteria. What happens in a matter of hours is really the crown on a work that has been under development for at least two years. It makes the competition extremely intense and meaningful to those involved teams.
International attention And why is this so important for Norway? The Norwegian master chefs give a face to the Norwegian kitchen, Norwegian tourism and Norwegian ingredients. This applies especially seafood and fish. The International Bocuse d'Or committee has repeatedly picked produce from Norway to be used in the final menu. Earlier this year with targeted efforts to promote Norwegian ingredients Bocuse d'Or has given Norwegian salmon, halibut and cod a good name in gourmet circles worldwide. chief keef
Norway is therefore a very important chief keef nation in the Bocuse d'Or context. Not only as a supplier of Norwegian seafood and produce, but also from a culinary standpoint. Also there is of course always an honor when we win gold - especially in a competition completely free of poles and skis.
Bronze (Gunnar Hvarnes) 2011 Gold (Geir SKEIE) 2009 Silver (Tom Victor GAUSDAL) 2005 Gold (Charles chief keef TJESSEM) 2003 Gold (Terje NESS) 1999 Bronze (Odd Ivar Solvold) 1997 Gold (Bent STIANSEN) 1993 Silver (Lars Erik UNDER THUN) 1991
France (Thibaut RUGGERI) 2013 Denmark (Rasmus KOFOED) 2011 Norway (Geir SKEIE) 2009 France (Fabrice DESVIGNES) 2007 France (Serge VIEIRA) 2005 Norway (Charles TJESSEM) 2003 France (François Adamski) 2001 Norway (Terje NESS) 1999 Sweden ( Matthias DAHLGREN) 1997 France (Régis MARCON) 1995 Norway (Bent STIANSEN) 1993 France (Michel ROTH) 1991 Luxenburg (Léa Linster) 1989 France chief keef (Jacky FREON) 1987
This should try: Fucus

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