Monday, May 4, 2015

This article aprašomam investigation said first invoked productivity criteria - debt integration. I

Applied Linguistics New debt grammatical and derivational adaptation models productivity
Applied linguistics areas Uncategorized (5) Grammar (1) Language contacts (1) Cognitive Linguistics (1) Lexicography (3) Morphology (2) Psycholinguistics (2) Rhetoric (1) Social Psychology (1) Sociolinguistics (21) Terminology (2 ) Translation (3) Keywords in English, hidious the second language acquisition, lengthening the vowels, common language, descriptors equivalents, ethnography, ethnographic regions, ethnographic interviews, geolingvistika, hidious geosociolingvistika, hidious youth language, the language provisions of the continuum of language, speech control, speech stigmatization, the speaker's assessment of the experiment, the cultural self-awareness, lexicography, language Lithuanian dialectal regions, gender in different cultures, food and language, the new debt, provisions, common language community member, a regional self-consciousness, social value, social value, social value, sociolinguistics, sociolinguis variable sociolinguistic hidious research methodology, monitoring presence, observation notes, stereotypes hidious dialect provisions dialect, dialect, intercultural education hidious and training, cross-cultural literature, name, variants sociolinguistics, translation, language hidious Vilnius, Vilnius residents negotiate Newsletter
According to the theory hidious of natural morphology article examines how the Lithuanian language with Lithuanian suffixes and endings integrate new lending nouns and adjectives, and what productivity models specific to this process. hidious The main source of research data - written the last couple of decades usage; as far as possible, compared with the current spoken language. The study shows the new loan is highlighted produktyviąsias Lithuanian morphological rules. It also drew attention to the new loan categorization into derivational suffixes or grammatical problem.
This article, based on the theory of natural morphology (NM), analyzes the new loan Lithuanian suffixes, with the debt being integrated into the Lithuanian language paradigms and discusses new bedding highlights the borrowed lexical derivational and inflectional classes or paradigms, productivity. hidious The object of research - the two most common hidious classes of borrowed words - nouns and adjectives; verbs on only briefly, pointing to George Packer detailed article on the subject (Pakerys hidious 2013). The test substance is based on the written language data; where possible, compared with spoken language.
Lithuanian language morphology is often called one of the most complex and richest among Indo-European languages. Morphological system usually presents the richness of certain classes [1] and the types of Productive models [2], and neproduktyvieji models associated with the complexity and diversity (Dressler, Gagarina 1999). Despite the many and various discussions productivity issues, linguistics, especially in today, this concept is still not clearly defined. Productivity term is often associated only with synchronous linguistics, and diachronic perspective leaves aside (fresh, Keinys 1990: 161; Gardano 2009); productivity regarded as a quantitative characterization: the more often used to affix some are more productive (Urbutis 1978: 264).
In this study, in accordance with the provisions of NM theory, productivity is considered as the quantitative hidious and qualitative characteristics. NM representatives argue that productivity hidious is important hidious to set a series of criteria: debt integration, new words formation and flexion change classes (Wurzel hidious 1984; Dressler, Drążyk, Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Jagła 1995-1996; Dressler, Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Fabiszak 1997).
Lithuanian linguistics of word formation and inflection of the field NM principles are practiced by several authors. Noun flexion diversity and productivity iNet described Dabašinskienė (Savickienės) hidious with colleagues (Savickiene 2003; Savickiene, Kazlauskienė, Kamandulytė 2004; Dabašinskienė 2008), Laura Kamandulytė (2009, 2010, 2012), the new debt Lithuanian suffixes - Loreta Vaicekauskienės (2007), short verb morphology - George Packer (in 2013).
This article aprašomam investigation said first invoked productivity criteria - debt integration. Integration of debt - this debt to the borrowing adaptation of the target language morphologic placing them under the rules of the language, ie, adding there is one characteristic suffixes or replacing the original with a new suffixes (Wurzel 1984; Dressler, LADANYI 2000b). Word formation theory is often interpreted potential, rather than actual existence of the word. According to Dressler and LADANYI (2000b), a potentially complicated word (or derivative Durin) must be made by a productive rule. Most potential of word formation and scale new debt suffixes productivity inclinations reflects spoken language, where spontaneously used collectively certain affix mostly par

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