Sunday, November 24, 2013

Along with feeding her viewer s minds, Kim likes to make foods to suit their moods as well. Her mood

Check out this fab article written by Taipei Times contributing reporter, Maggie Foucault, about Graci In The Kitchen’s second season debut It’s called “ Diplomat by day, Chef by night “. historia de la gastronomia The title totally makes me sound like a superhero!
—– Diplomat by day, chef by night Graci in the Kitchen debuts its second season of mood-based historia de la gastronomia cooking By Maggie Foucault / Contributing reporter Graci Kim and pal Kimora get ready for the Halloween historia de la gastronomia episode of Graci in the Kitchen . Photo Courtesy of Graci in the Kitchen
These days, cooking shows are everywhere. From over-eating food challenge-seekers to grumpy gourmet chefs, it s hard to turn on the TV and not find a cooking show. But Graci in the Kitchen, on online cooking historia de la gastronomia show based in Taipei and hosted by Graci Kim, makes meals not just based on ingredients, but on the mood of the consumer.
Graci in the Kitchen (GITK) started in January historia de la gastronomia 2012 as a food blog. Kim, a Korean-born New Zealander, or Kowi as she likes to say, had been living in Wellington for her job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and missed the cooking her family used to do at home.
Cooking is in our blood, I think, said Kim, whose father owns a Japanese Restaurant in Auckland and has many other culinary-inclined relatives as well. After moving to Taipei on a two year ministry posting for full-time Chinese-language study, Kim decided to move from writing to filming and try her hand at producing her own TV series. With the help of a few good friends, she developed what is now known as GITK.
After nearly a year hiatus, Kim decided that it was time to begin another season of GITK. After enlisting the help of fellow Kiwi, Verity Mackintosh, a TV producer currently historia de la gastronomia based in Beijing, the show saw some major changes. A Singapore-based film crew with over twenty-five years of experience was employed alongside local support staff based in Taipei. The length of each episode was cut from twelve minutes historia de la gastronomia down to five, but the biggest change to the show was the addition historia de la gastronomia of locations.
Filming for season two kicked off in early September at the end of Kim s summer vacation historia de la gastronomia from language study. New episodes follow Kim out of the kitchen as she goes shrimping in Shilin, wanders through Raohe night market and visits a traditional tea house.
I want to inspire people historia de la gastronomia to think about food in a slightly different way. We think about food just as something that feeds our bodies, that tastes good, kind of on a primitive historia de la gastronomia level. historia de la gastronomia I d like to get people enthusiastic about the fact that food can be a lot more than that, it can be food for the mind, she says.
Along with feeding her viewer s minds, Kim likes to make foods to suit their moods as well. Her mood-based cooking ideas came about from her realization that food is connected to our emotions and memories.
Kim satisfies all of these elements by using quotes to get her viewers thinking, and then basing the entire meal on a mood. Kim s themes cover everything historia de la gastronomia from feeling ugly to feeling blessed, and there s always a meal to compliment historia de la gastronomia or correct any emotion.
It gives me the opportunity to be in new places and meet a variety of new people that I might not otherwise, says Kim, adding, Right now I m in Taipei, historia de la gastronomia but this job will always lead me to new locations where I can discover more about new food and places.
Whether you re feeling beautiful, ugly, happy or sad, Graci in the Kitchen has a meal to suit your mood. Season two begins tomorrow and is available for viewing along with season one at and Koldkast TV.
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