Saturday, July 26, 2014

Nearly 89% of adults and 90% of teenagers said that teen pregnancy is a major social problem, coo

Parents Pro-life: do not be afraid to talk to their children about sex | Notifam
June 25, 2013 ( / cooking club - The National cooking club Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, survey annually to adolescents cooking club and adults in the United States, asking them questions about sex, family planning, teen pregnancy and other related issues. This survey has two goals. The first is to assess the views of the American people regarding teen pregnancy. The second goal is to add these surveys to conduct data collected every year the federal government.
The latest cooking club data collected were published in August 2012 in a report entitled "With One Voice 2012:. Adults and Adolescents in the United States talk about Teen Pregnancy" One of the questions in this survey was: "When it comes Your decision about sex, who wields more influence? ". The results show that 38% of teenagers between 12 and 19 years old reported that their parents are the most influential when it comes to their decisions cooking club about sex. Friends came second with 22%, the media got 9%, religious leaders and brothers tied with 6% and 4% teachers and educators.
It is encouraging to know that in a culture in which teens are bombarded with sexual images by the media, parents still exert the greatest influence on their children regarding their decisions in matters of sex.
These results are consistent with all previous surveys of the National Campaign. The report shows that the closeness between parents and children, sharing activities and parental presence at home, are directly related to a lower risk of early onset of sexual activity and teen pregnancy. Adolescents who have a good relationship with their parents and they feel supported by them, tend to delay the onset of sexual cooking club intercourse, have fewer sexual partners, and use contraception more effectively.
Another question included in the survey was: "Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It would be much easier for teenagers to postpone sexual activity and avoid pregnancy if they could have open, honest conversations about these topics with their parents. " 87% of teens and 90% of adults agreed with this statement. However, 90% of adolescents and 88% of adults believe that parents do not know how or when to initiate this conversation, nor what to say about it.
CNN Health cooking club published a Mayo Clinic article entitled "Sex Education: how to talk to your teen about sex." In the article the following statement is made: "It is likely your child gets the basic principles of sex education in anatomy class, but may not hear or understand everything you need to know to make decisions about sex. That's where you come in.. Although it may be uncomfortable, sex education is the responsibility of the parents. "Article suggests ways in which parents can initiate this conversation. It encourages them to be honest and direct, to avoid hearing the sermons and the views of their children. Invite parents to reward their children saying things like ". cooking club Glad you decided to come to me for this issue"
In an article from Focus on the Family (Let's focus on the Family), entitled "Talking about Sex and Puberty", parents are advised not to tell your kids everything about sex in a long marathon session, as it runs the risk of waiting until it is too late or give the child more than this to process. Suggest that it is better to have many conversations on the subject over the years. If the child asks a question to which the parent has no answer, parents are encouraged to be honest and to investigate further cooking club so that we can respond. Focus on the Family believes that more children admire their parents if they show interest instead of ignoring the issue. Here are some other statistics from the National Campaign is:
Nearly 89% of adults and 90% of teenagers said that teen pregnancy is a major social problem, cooking club even when compared with other serious social and economic problems affecting the country.
As people who are in favor of life and we are opposed to abortion, we must remember that the first thing to do is deal with the problem that leads to thousands cooking club of deaths each day. National statistics show that 3 out of every 10 American girls become pregnant at least once before they reach 20. Making cooking club contraceptives accessible to young people of any age is not the solution to this problem. Rather, we must begin at home, with loving parents and

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