Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Reference: Brent Small, Kerri Rawson, Christina Martin, Sarah Eisel, Cindy D Sanberg, Cathy McEvoy,

Signs of cognitive enhancement in the elderly gastronomia argentina with food
Declining cognitive properties necessary to think, remember and learn are normal in the aging process. In fact, this cognitive gastronomia argentina impairment in varying degrees occurs in a high percentage of the elderly.
Currently therapies gastronomia argentina to improve cognitive health of older adults are very important for maintaining mental performance as age. While physical activity and cognitive training gastronomia argentina are some of the entailments gastronomia argentina brain to prevent or delay cognitive decline, other complementary strategies such as diet modification and nutritional gastronomia argentina supplements have recently generated much interest in the scientific community.
A study by the University of South Florida (USF) reports gastronomia argentina that a clinical trial with a nutrient-rich formula of antioxidants and other natural gastronomia argentina compounds have demonstrated an increase in the rate at which the brains of older adults process information. gastronomia argentina The developed gastronomia argentina nutritional supplement containing extracts of blueberries and green tea in combination with vitamin D3, amino acids and carnosine was tested by researchers in a population group of 105 healthy adults, aged between 65 and 85 years old . The trial evaluated for 2 months the effects of feeding formula on cognitive performance of older adults who had no diagnosed memory disorders. A group of 52 volunteers who received the food supplement comprobándose slight improvements in the speed of cognitive processing, while 53 volunteers randomized to receive a placebo did not show this improvement were randomized.
Reducing the speed of cognitive processing, can lead to slow thinking and learning and is associated with age in many cases. The study, conducted at the USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute, gastronomia argentina appears in the journal Rejuvenation Research.
Reference: Brent Small, Kerri Rawson, Christina Martin, Sarah Eisel, Cindy D Sanberg, Cathy McEvoy, Paul Sanberg, R. Douglas Shytle, Jun Tan, Paula C Bickford. Nutraceutical Intervention Improves Older Adults' Cognitive Functioning. Rejuvenation Research, 2013; 131017084344003 DOI: 10.1089/rej.2013.1477
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