Thursday, August 21, 2014

Each teacher may be aware of the attitudes that alienate insulting words and actions that hurt nxën

The way we communicate with children is very important, as long as it plays a crucial role RNE formation of their personality. We communicate with them not only through words but also through body language and perceptions. A good teacher educates students to evaluate their emotions.
It helps them to recognize and respect lam banh their feelings brendshme.mbi all he be careful, not perverse children about their feelings and they can not, says an angry student or another student afraid: "you have no reason to be angry", or intimidated a student, "you have no reason to be scared."
When a student is told really so happens that his sense of fear, increase. Besides his initial fear, he now is afraid to be afraid and fear that they will not be able to hide the fear of tij.Frika not fade when not taken parasysh.Kur a student or child is scared, it is best acknowledge his fears openly and respectfully.
It is best to listen to the teacher problem, reword it clears and then asks: "What you have before you alternatives." Very often it happens that a student has a one a solution.In this way he learns how to rely on their own judgments. When a teacher hurriedly offers a solution, nxënssit lose the opportunity to be able to solve problems and have confidence in ourselves.
First, Teachers should be clear that students come to the teacher to feel better and not to be diagnosed. As such, the teacher must recognize lam banh their feelings, accept their wishes and even respond with gestures, lam banh to show willingness to help.
When a student after making a vaccine back to the classroom teacher crying and says: "It hurts, but I understand." In this case he did not use cold logic, saying: "Do not cry that the vaccine is best for you, the teacher did not provide a false reassurance, saying," It hurts so much. " In fact teacher admitted child's feelings, lam banh desires recognized and offered a gesture of support. lam banh Violence improves verbal behavior or personality of the students, it just angers. Public criticism or insults lam banh to the intelligence of the students themselves hitting those at the point of their most offensive dobët.Kritikat not motivate students, improve, rather destroy their initiative.
Haim Gino 1972 wrote in "Betëwn teacher and child": "A man decided to change his behavior towards his personal lam banh chef. He called lam banh the cook and said: "From now on I will be kind and good to you." Cook asks: "In that little retard lunch you will not cry." "No". "In that coffee is a little cold, you will not flame me in the face? '." Eventually, no. " "If steak is a little more mature, you will not cost me remove it from my salary from now on?" "That henceforth will ty.Të and showing good promise." "Okay, -said chef, then I'll spit in the soup again within me."
Each teacher may be aware of the attitudes that alienate insulting words and actions that hurt nxënësin.Ai can gain competence and discretion in communication and thus becomes less and less provokues.Privatësia bezdishëm students lam banh should not raped without an invitation or a non-verbal permission by them. The opening is a personal choice, just as it's right to remain silent.
In this case we can mention the example of a teacher who does not respect the student's need for privacy. There are teachers who say often: "How well I know you better than you know yourself!" You actually tell a child, 'I know you better than you know yourself ", is an action Emotional showing arrogance and ignorance of the students' own feelings.
An effective lam banh teacher is natural, as is shown before nxënësve.Ai is aware of their feelings and respects human ato.Pavarësisht that can not be patient all the time, he is always original. His answers are vërteta.Fjalët lam banh his feelings are in line with the mood tij.Ai not hide, do not pretend that is not demonstrate hypocrisy when duruar.Ai feels unhappy.
A good teacher should not be afraid of their feelings of anger, because he knows how to express it without harming the baby -nxënës.Në lam banh this case he has learned the secret of expressing anger without insult though has been under pressure from the bullies external. lam banh It was not directed to children with names abuzivë.Nuk asks them what are they like or when it will change.
It is better to describe what a teacher would like to express how expectations tij.Në most cases expectations bring disappointment and disagreement. He hits the problem, personin.Ai phenomenon and not know when the heart is

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