Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The purpose of DREPP States, not only ours is the approach of unemployed workers, the labor market

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Loyalty Sykja school passed by and saw young people who came together happy. Initially, we thought that they were high school students, but not all were so high school students. Different age groups are closely out of there happy to have learned something new today. We discovered that there was a relative of the Regional Director of Professional Development.
Exactly, Directorate of Vocational Training was number 4 in Tirana. Trainees had fled, others were in pursuit of the course, but the "century" was not left without talking m the director of the center that looked like a form of salvation for some and as a path that leads to employment for others. Arben Sinojmeri, Regional Director of Vocational Training 4 stopped short in the capital do not explain us confidence in the functioning of these departments have increasingly begun to increase, as the number of trainees has increased a lot.
The purpose of DREPP States, not only ours is the approach of unemployed workers, the labor market in record time. We offer professional courses for unemployed job seekers and anyone 85 degree bakery else interested.
DREPP 4 offers about 47 courses to anyone who wants to take a trade or improve and strengthen their skills in a particular area. Courses are divided by these four departments: the department of technical services, tourism services he, he social services and other services. We offer professional and non-professional courses. Professional Courses include crafts 85 degree bakery required on the labor market, and non-professional courses (or supplementary) include extra knowledge that every job seeker should have modern standards (foreign languages and computer basics).
For unemployed job seekers (that's a free course) should: a copy of identification card and a coupon to withdraw Labour Offices Tirana to certify unemployment. 85 degree bakery For employed persons who want extra training at the center: need ID and a payment (with very social) that made the banks. As for the last category, that of persons belonging to vulnerable 85 degree bakery social categories and a document ID to verify the category to which it belongs. There are many documents and even that is an intrusive procedure applying to become part of our department.
There is a steadily increasing interest of unemployed towards vocational training. I would say that people are aware of the tremendous benefits that brings appropriation requested 85 degree bakery a trade from the labor market. Year 2013-2014 is now considered as the beginning of a new era: the young (and not only) to education and vocational training. The attention of the government to increase the number of employees, to crafts, has created a positive impact not only job seekers, but also to DREPP's, which are responding to this objective. DREPP number 85 degree bakery 4 is in tune with the government's 85 degree bakery commitment and the needs of job seekers and Albanian enterprise providing quality workers.
It is a period of change and ridimensioning positions that Albanian society is outlining. We want to be part of Europe and should be oriented towards Europe has those needs and we can do this better. Our society can not export savvy ??? We can sell goods and services more competitive in construction, agro-tourism and other social services. 85 degree bakery We are aware of this mission is to work hard. DREPP 4 is today without doubt one of the model teams. It is total transformation, is changing the mentality, training policies, in its relations with entrepreneurship and the growth of mutual cooperation with our partners. Hence the attention of young people began to grow significantly.
DREPP 4 and its staff follow with great attention not only training, but also postformimin. "Because 85 degree bakery we have a database for trainees who are employed and work hard with businesses to enable any employment. We are a center 85 degree bakery that today are changing and I push mentality ", Arben Sinojmeri director tells us. "DREPP 4 pilot can also self-financing policy, since we can generate income and d

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