Wednesday, November 19, 2014


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Dnsk famous astronomer Tycho Brahe, who il at the turn of the 16th and 17th century mon ngon de lam in Prague, was otrven mercury, as was speculated, but most probably naturally Zemel death . With odvolnm to zjitn dnskch VDC to oznmil kodask mon ngon de lam sheet Politiken.
Exactly pina death slavnho vdce but dlzstv secrets. "This is the first ovsledky analyzes, which vyvrtila mercury poisoning, exactly pina MRT znma nen. Research will continue to go ovata, St. zjitn zveejn the status of nuclear physics in ei, "He told heads the antropologickho separately Nrodnho Museum Peter Velemnsk .
Tmdnskch VDC lead time archaeologist from the University of Aarhus, Jens Vellev. For Brahová his coffin tm took samples which mly Ovit levels of mercury mon ngon de lam in their hair and bones. According to the results of analyzes, although in odebranch vzorcch skuten was zjitna lip, but not koncentracch In such instances, which could endanger life easier astronomers .
Traces of these include eg calves beard and hair Tycho Brahe few TDN before mon ngon de lam death, at the time of his death at most probably in his tle bt not, ukzal analysis mon ngon de lam d nskch VDC. QUANTITY but it was so mal, e could endanger his life easier. "Traces of metal tkch ml in svmtle few TDN before death, until his death fully disappeared," UVD dnsk sheet . On the zkoumn podleli and ei
On zkoumn Furthermore dnskch expert podlel Jan Kuera state of Nuclear Physics Academy of Sciences of R. Two analyzes provdli nezvisle the reindeer vdci vdnskm mon ngon de lam Odense and in Prague. Chemical analysis confirmed the bone, e Brahe was not exposed vznamnjmu of exposure to mercury in poslednch five and ten years svho of life.
esk chemist mon ngon de lam Kuera upesnil, e Analysis shows ptomnost mercury in Brahe's beard in poslednch eight weeks of his of life. Zatmco eight TDN before astronomers Brahe's death was in tle ptomnost mercury at the upper limit normlnch values jedenct days before his death fell on the border the bottom.
In 1901, at vdci made one analyzes mon ngon de lam the remains of astronomer. Dajna prokzala unusually high concentration of mercury. In 2009, the Dnsko of REINSTALLATION exhumation that was pot made in November 2010. Bones, two Sklenné ndoby and piece of fabric is mal nachzely in cnov coffin.
Tycho Brahe he was expert- on dvoecsae Rudolf II. in 1599 and 1601. To this day, it was not clear how astronomer Zemel out what they can to problems with his kidneys or his experiments with mercury. mon ngon de lam Were publikovny and theories about e bt could zavradn, even to instruct dnskho krle Kristina.
According mon ngon de lam to Politiken experts also revealed materil, znho was cast nhrada Brahová nose. Its st Toti owes piel when ermskm fight in December 1566. Now you are ukzalo, e nose was not gold, nor stbra MDI as pedpokldalo but probably brass. mon ngon de lam
Dnsko opt amazes tolerance: He wants to allow scarves homosexul in churches
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Generation Y: Radja without zamstnn not trvit as in nenvidn prci Peten 64 025x Shop jdlo, no waste. In Prague starts a grocery store without packaging Peten 51 186x Celebration November 17: The 20 selo is Vclavskmnmst of thousands of people Peten 35 620x On President is nepsk, Zeman yes 869x Jindich DLO: How vyprvt dceio November 17 687x No it snapped: mon ngon de lam This was the Czechoslovak economy in 1989, 538x
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