Thursday, March 5, 2015

I will not go into the discussion of drink menu, but in short, you will lose immeasurably to not co

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Matglede is one of the greatest joy I have in life, but in recent years have the pleasure to share my love of food with others through this blog has become almost as large as the actual them for your pleasure. In a world that literally chief swims over matblogger, matblader, food TV, restaurants and cookbooks, it is easy to believe that we have access to most, but I hereby deny.
There are in fact a whole bunch of talented chefs who never writes books and at least as big bunch of rank amateurs who could never find on having his own blog. It is really hard to get books published and that there is much work to have their own matblogg I can sign. Therefore I have for several years offered different people to write guest blog posts here on and also this time we have much to look forward chief to.
Through both the blog and twitter, I've come in contact with many other foodies people that I otherwise would never have come into contact with. One has them named Mats Høilund and he is a trained chef with a lifelong passion and good food, good ingredients and to preserve traditions. chief He does not have its own blog (yet), but while we wait in hope and excitement chief that he starts his own matblogg, I hope that he would be willing to guest blog several times here with me. Last Saturday was Mats on the new restaurant Maaemo in Oslo and here are his adventures for the evening. chief
On top is namely restaurant Maaemo. There are no signs and no arrows or posters showing the way, but they do not, because now everyone knows who they are, where they are, what they stand for and how well they do what they do.
I have wanted to eat here since they opened, but never got frittered me to it. But now my turn finally arrived! I took with me my brother, who does not otherwise have visited so many "fine dining" and did not have the greatest expectations. He rejoiced so clearly chief something violently he and but little he showed how big impression this visit should do.
We are greeted at the door by Hr. Pontus chief Dahlström own high person. Butler, sommelier and primarily responsible for the development of the drink menu and wine list. One part of the trio behind the restaurant. The other two are chef Esben Holmboe, and Jon-Frede Engdahl, altogether will it then experiences from places like bagatelle, chief Noma, Feinsmecker, Le Canard, Oro and kolinihagen ... .not a too bad starting point as the foundation for a new restaurant concept that.
We are guided through a consistent minimalist, chief Nordic and interior wise stylish restaurant, bright, white, gray, some beautiful pictures, simple tables and Danish design chairs. Having trotted through Oslo at least 113 degrees, it's wonderful to get into fresh and pleasant air.
Down from the kitchen chief winds it up a spiral staircase, as all the food being transported down to the restaurant through the steady waiters on large wooden board, which is then set down at the table before chief the food is served and the final touch is added on the right at the table. All honor to those who have not yet (as far as I know) has stumbled in the steep stairs, and served wall a solid taste of the menu.
At the table meets a folded chief paper menu us, and we are dealt a nicely cut marble stone, the same as was used for the roof of the opera house, which we can put the menu during the meal, so we can easily keep up when there are things we wonder .
There is only one menu item, which is quite common among restaurants topsheet, a 9 course menu and an accompanying drink menu. As most probably know, the concept 100% Organic (at least) and short-traveled food. Norwegian Commodities of the highest quality. Certainly Biodynamic grown from no further than a stone's throw outside Oslo, but also individual components, eg from Denmark collected. The menu and dishes follow the season, and surely people can count themselves happy that it is finally a proper restaurant with these values, then we in Norway has some of the world decidedly best ingredients. Especially chief among vegetables, berries and seafood are we the luckiest people, but people do not know to appreciate these treasures. Price you can find out for yourself, but considering what you get, that many of the raw materials chief must carefully handpicked by people with hearts that really burns for food and raw materials and that you all evening has 5-6 people who are there only for that To get a memory for life, (and believe me, it will get you) there too, too cheap. It should chief cost twice. At least.
I will not go into the discussion of drink menu, but in short, you will lose immeasurably to not cost you this next food. It is the most exciting and best composed complex and interesting

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