Friday, March 13, 2015

The resolution also provides diversion quota of 70 MW PV technology wind technology, however, claim

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Ministerial Committee approved renewable energies (B) the proposal of the Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water regarding conversions and reallocation of existing quotas of renewable energy in order to reduce excess costs for the electricity sector in over 2 billion.
In accordance with the resolution adopted, the amendment was approved conditional licenses possibility of solar thermal plants (granted within quota allocation) PV technology facilities totaling 180 MW, within 90 days of receiving the decision. This conversion will save electricity sector cooking dance $ 1.4 billion discounted for 20 years.
The resolution also provides diversion quota of 70 MW PV technology wind technology, however, claiming that there are barriers to planning and difficulties cooking dance in promoting the construction of facilities for the production of wind power. In addition, it was decided to convert 20 MW wind technology to small (up to 50 kW facilities) and 20 MW thermo-solar PV technology facilities totaling 40 MW. These conversions are expected to lead to a reduction of more than half a billion discounted cooking dance for 20 years.
The government's decision in July 2011 stated that ten percent quota for facilities to produce electricity from solar energy connected to the distribution network (30MW of medium-sized facilities), and ten percent of the other quotas aimed at medium-sized installations, will be allocated to medium-sized installations to be constructed in the West Bank. Today financing parties refuse to finance projects in the West Bank, for fear that the future political arrangements may affect the operations of the facilities. It was therefore decided that in order to allow the construction of electric power plants in the West Bank government, in the event of termination of the revenue stream cooking dance following a political agreement as aforesaid, shall bear the state fee The amount of the developer's balance cooking dance financial institution.
Also the subject of bio-gas is included in the decision. Waste power generation industry is considered one of the most productive industries to generate electricity from renewable energy sources. Accordingly, it was decided to apply to the Ministry of Defense to examine and consider the adoption of power generation facilities tariffs

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