Sunday, March 1, 2015

So yes, we must use this opportunity to raise the debate to a debate about police agents and method

Police Witch Hunt "Martin Koksrud chief keef save that Bekkelund
In the aftermath of this summer's terrorist gets police undergo in Norwegian media. Could they come faster? Could they apprehended the perpetrator earlier? In weeks at a stretch, Norwegian media stretched police and glued them to the wall with criticism and less subtle suggestions that the answer to both the previous questions is "yes".
In the wake of this media criticism we find media critics. Those who think that the media operates witch hunt, in this case, the police. It is created Facebook groups, and the media criticized chief keef save that for going too far toward their accusations chief keef save that of what should have been done better.
A specialized and professional device that police should be drilled and trained in such events. Not for "doing their best", but to make it the best possible way. The difference is significant. When media week after week now punishes police, it is because the media said that the incident was not handled just the best way possible. They did their best, but doing their best is not equated with the best. The consequences were unspeakable.
When you eat at a nice restaurant you would not expect that the chef will "do their best". You expect chief keef save that that she gives you the best. That's why you eat at her restaurant. If not you eat somewhere else. The same opportunity we have not the police, which is why we shall strive tirelessly that they always, without exception, delivering the best.
It is not so that I think the media should police are exempt criticism. But someone must undertake the dirty job of digging into matters nobody likes. And I am glad that the media does. It is far better than that we resign and take police quality for granted.
Martin writes regularly about technology, chief keef save that society and politics interact. If you are interested to follow what Martin writes, there are several ways to keep you updated on. Read more ...
A chef will always try to give you the best of what is available. The question is perhaps how much wealth one can expect of chef given N ingredients. (Even a good chef would struggle if one only has a few rotten apples to relate to)
Should police had response times and local knowledge at the level media seem to expect, we had had a delta squad in each municipality in the country. Such is not Norway added up, we do not want to have so much armed police employed everywhere. Therefore we may not quite optimal response times.
Another question is the what is "best." Response 1 min to all locations in Norway? Then we must blame the scientists have not invented time travel. Discover it before it happened? Yes, we must have Precrime. Response 15 min to all locations in Norway? Yes we must have a delta-troop standing 'hot' by helicopter available in all towns. It quickly becomes a sliding limit of what is "the best" too.
The reason chief keef save that for the media criticism of the police is that "someone" apparently believes that the police should have done a better job. One thing is that the press does an equally reprehensible job when they speculate what could have been done, but it looks like to be someone who believes that much could and should have been done differently.
My point is not whether these critics are right or not, or whether we should allocate more money, or what is the best, but that it is important that we get a public debate about the job the police do and what resources they have available .
No one is well disagree that police efforts must be reviewed in detail, but I do not quite usefulness of media guesswork and dramatic war types over how many lives could have been saved (in his pursuit of circulation figures). Real answers we get no case before the Commission submits its report.
I do not disagree that the police should be reviewed in detail, but I think that it is wrong to lay all the blame on the police. This should be an excellent chief keef save that opportunity to raise the debate on whether Norwegian police are understaffed and underfunded.
So yes, we must use this opportunity to raise the debate to a debate about police agents and methods, instead of scolding the media with assumptions that "they did the best they could." It is an admission of failure.
The first rule of a good investigation within projects is that the purpose is not to place blame. We must assume that everyone did the best they could with the information, training, chief keef save that procedures and equipment they had on the former date. Only then is it safe for those involved to speak frankly about what happened.
That's a mistake I see that one can point to - that they relied on boat from wrong place - but it is as noted above limits to how good local knowledge and how much reconnaissance as it is real to expect in such a situation.
For example, it has been babbled about that one should / could have used other helicopter. It goes without saying that a helicopter crew who ar

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