Thursday, April 30, 2015

Original, refreshing and interesting beers, which delights cass cafe its aroma and taste does not l

Brewers Cup 2014 finalists: Andrew Jučas
BBQ: perfect pork ribs
On the historical cass cafe value of beer
Technology of beer advertising
Yesterday, cass cafe Vilnius restaurant Soul & Pepper was the most recent "Lighthouse collection of traditional beer delivery to the public. "Lighthouse" in the new season cooked "Korio cass cafe beer flavored with honey and ginger. Before marketing a beer at the beer was held presentation and tasting. A small, but cozy company came to the presentation - tasting new beers tasted, listened to stories about the origin of beer and shared their impressions.
As announced in the information - beer flavored with honey and ginger. For me the combination cass cafe of warm part of the season was a little strange. When I want to honey and ginger? Correct - in the fall. When nasty weather, cold outside, feet and nose peršlampa recalls the need to buy handkerchiefs. cass cafe Then I want to sit back at home and find a warm honey and ginger. It is consoling and heating combination, like cleaning in a bad mood and raising morale.
The beer is unfiltered, so should nepurtyti cass cafe bottle cass cafe and pour into a glass slowly. Then beer cup will auksiškai transparent, very clear, cass cafe pretty, slightly soft greenish shades with golden color. If beer pilstydami flip - beer becomes cloudy and in the last cup you can find a few small deposits. This is not spam, it - brewing time remaining ginger. Beer in moderation carbonized, it is decorated with a small but elegant white foam.
OK chilling the beer appear indoors and boring, but as far as the cup after being Thaw and it reveals a truly bright cass cafe and expressive flavor. To say that beer smells like honey and ginger is the same as to say nothing. Bright aroma of this beer is a complex, interesting and attractive. Along the beer tasted buddies complained that the aroma is too intense and tiring, but for me it did not lack.
Beer smells like all the early summer hint: it's blooming linden, acacia, blooming wild flower meadow and deeper all pulling together the ginger notes. By the way, meadows mentioned accident. During the call, developed a beer brewer Juliet revealed that ginger flavor balance and co bouquet to beer have been added somewhat Citra hops. I wanted to smack myself loudly over his forehead and exclaim, "Ginger and Citra - as I have so far not thought about it ?!". cass cafe Bright, intense and harmonious fragrance. Tasting this beer blinded impossible to neatspėti.
The body is Average, carbonization moderate, so beer impede, but pleasantly fills your mouth with flavor, accompanying with hops and ginger notes aftertaste. I do not like ginger, drink ginger tea and eat traditional ginger candy, which is famous cass cafe for its Scandinavian countries. Therefore, I liked the fact that Ginger is not the dominant flavor of this beer tastes. Alcohol is also not clear.
Original, refreshing and interesting beers, which delights cass cafe its aroma and taste does not load. Such a combination of Lithuania was not yet. Manufacturers argue that it is - a limited batch of beer. I guess that this beer will find its fans and the party will be limited regularly (or at least - periodically) brewed beer. ABV 5.3%. In the near future should appear on store shelves.
By the way, "Lighthouse" beer presentation was the first time. It was interesting to see how the new type of beer delivery. I realized that there is a home without smoke. The official beer sommelier and kitchen chefs presented Nikolaevich Dabrovolskas beer offered their developed food combinations. Beer with honey and ginger, and to the tune of beer dishes that create cass cafe ... with honey and ginger! - And even a few times from improvised scene repeated Nikolaevich.
Evening guests were invited to taste the beer fresh cucumber sticks with honey thyme seasoned wood (in fact, was not with thyme honey and honey with thyme, well, but no matter), matured a piece of salmon with red pepper powder, with pickled ginger and honey and on coals baked pork morsel. For dessert (Ah, what the original surprise!) Was offered a classic honey cake. It would be funny, if not sad. Tasting included combinations of alien stigma. Kazi, and other ŠVYTURYS beer presentations combinations were so ... CHM ... hopeless?
Imagine cass cafe the scenario: let's say that I stepped forward and the only certified sommelier apple juice (read - drink connoisseur who is not only knowledgeable, created as a beverage but also knows how to combine to deliver the most distinctive drink, as it is presented and what food and drink combinations it is appropriate to allow these combinations to recommend to others). Then in the fall I I go to the largest Lithuanian gardener, who picked this year's apple harvest, pressing juice and asked me to create this year's harvest of apple juice and food combinations. cass cafe Following the example of Donato should I create these combinations: snack - fresh

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

7. The woman was the first known criminal incident related to the beer cause. 2000 one Egypti

Brewers Cup 2014 finalists: Andrew Jučas
BBQ: perfect pork ribs
On the historical banh da lon value of beer
Technology of beer advertising
1. Zitologija (zythology) is the science of beer and its production. Zitologas is a living encyclopedia of beer. Such a man can tell a myriad of information about beer production, raw materials, combinations and other interesting banh da lon things related to beer.
2. There exists such a combination as beer sommelier. It has been used previously, while interest in beer was poor. However, for quite a long time connoisseur of beer it is called "Cicerone" (pronounced sis-uh-Rohn). Cicerone is a professional who knows how stored, transported and sold beer, knowledgeable beer styles and their (style) representatives of consumer culture, is able to objectively describe the taste of beer and beer aroma, taste and quality, knowledgeable in the raw materials and the brewing process, is able to create and offer beer and food combinations.
What is the difference between Cicero and beer sommelier? The difference is that Cicerone is a formal status, which must hear in order to get their education, and to maintain the certification exams, and beer sommelier himself can declare any dilettante.
5. The oldest known beer advertising is advertising - it is written on clay tablets with didžiakrūtės image of a woman, holding the hands of two large containers of beer. Advertising slogan sounded similar to "Take Ebla beer - beer with a lion's heart." These ads ever - more than 4000 years.
7. The woman was the first known criminal incident related to the beer cause. 2000 one Egyptian horse-drinking beer then, broke into the ancient temple of the goddess and kidnapped a young priestess of the temple. The incident ended sadly - and horse crucified on the inn where he drowned beer, door and let the body take down the birds until tearing his body.
8. The most expensive beer in the world is La Vieille BON SECOURS beer. This beer bottle priced at 1000USD, and its taste can be in only one place in the world - bar Bierdrome, located in London.
12. There are a few interesting facts about the fact that beer has a positive impact on certain human body and health properties, but because of the laws in force in the Republic of Lithuania prohibits the publication of information about the positive health effects of alcohol.
13. Some argue that unpasteurized and unfiltered beer is almost all minerals and trace elements necessary for life processes guarantee. Medieval doctors banh da lon advised their citizens to drink beer, because it's not only supplement meager food rations, but also to the possibility of becoming infected with unclean water-borne infectious diseases. Beer has been brewed in this process thanks banh da lon to the killed bacteria and viruses as pathogens and have been fighting various diseases.
14. For a long time the Czech Republic was a country - beer Gerik leader. The country has taken on the most beer per capita. Recently, increasing not only the population banh da lon but also the cost of living, beer consumption in the Czech Republic ahead of China. In this country, taken on more than 350 mil. hectoliters of beer per year, and China is the fastest growing beer market in the country. The US remained the only third place.
2013-04-03 at 15:24 - Reply
"Middle Ages, doctors advised their citizens to drink beer, because it's not only supplement meager food rations, but also to ensure unclean water-borne banh da lon infectious diseases - perhaps not" ensure "and" prevent "?
Westvleteren buying from the manufacturer's costs from 30 to 39 euros for 24 bottles of 0.33 liters (1 carton) banh da lon plus the deposit for bottles and boxes. I have heard that resellers requests to 35 euros per bottle. It's not even close to the Secours. banh da lon Where this was written for us to blog?
Even matured Westvleteren hard to reach this price. On the other hand you look, Westvleteren so easily return. It sells only monastery and only pre-order, which can only be done by phone and only on certain days and hours (call equal to winning the lottery). Moreover, you can only subscribe to a box or two and will need to come to withdraw himself.
Zitologija quickly street slang meaning the science of beer. I think really the universities, even in the same Weihenstephan Institute do not teach :) Cicerone is a generic term defining banh da lon a connoisseur guide. banh da lon Himself Ray Daniels, who founded the Cicerone banh da lon Certification Program, states that it is preparing a beer sommelier.
'4. The oldest known written recipe is a recipe for beer. It is written on the stone slabs in the form of songs before more than 5000 years. "Wiki" wrote that "A 3,900-year-old Sumerian poem honouring Ninkasi, the patron goddess of brewing, contains the oldest surviving banh da lon beer recipe, Describing the production of beer from barley via bread. "The language clearly comes to the same recipe, the date in one of the sources is wrong.
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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

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Monday, April 27, 2015

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

The entire home page self-introduction Tokyo classroom reservation method Fukuoka classroom reserva

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

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2010ǯ09 cook high school
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Friday, April 24, 2015

Tandoor (187) India (17) Today

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Because of curry retort plans of tandoor, Mr. dichroic food headquarters to the. Imperceptibly have supposed to be "cooking classes" of shopkeeper, a bit pressure? Lecture towards alone with the ingredients? Rather than, you are asked to help you to cut the ingredients. Oh, I'm teaching something? No, are you almost talking, Takeda's two-color food. Thing, it was end to normally cuisine (laughs) plum curry, hijiki and dried shiitake tomato curry, sum Ssamusupu complete & tasting that. Then, I was allowed to the factory tour. The mask to cap the connection of white. Using the Colo (seal type of cleaner) and systemic high and low Colo, and from bathed the wind of shower by disinfect boots into the factory. Error commodity (defective) chief keef traffic very high level of repelling, enters the things any chance metallic or remove also a potent magnet, you can check the weight, check again and again even manually, finally the Product become. In order to send out into the world what you can eat in peace, even far away you have left the original creator, this only of time and process I wish I need, and was really impressed. And, immediately tasting warmed what you were retorted (heating stifle those after bacteria) in the prototype. May not taste not have changed much, you can be sooo changed, or if the texture is quite unusual, it was variously by curry. As long retort, even with a small business day of tandoor, I think you enjoy the taste of tandoor to more full of people. Hurdle There are many, but wanted to be great if Ikere proceed while fumbling the possible direction. Tandoor shopkeeper. -------------------------------------------------- ----- New India will open in the evening of cooking tandoor 03-3387-2172 every Fri-Sat and Sunday (there is also a change in the case of a public holiday). Friday: 19:00 to 9:30 p.m. around (last order) Saturday and Sunday: 18:00 to 21:00 around (last order) (with the case of a sold-out it away) jp / tandoor / 5 May we will be open to every Fri-Sat and Sunday. being sold also in the tandoor part of the official books and Labo India of "LOVE chief keef traffic INDIA". I can also be purchased at Mr. Nishikiya.
Today's catering. | Of May 10 to 12 menu Blog Top
"LOVE INDIA 2015" .. "tandoor 1997-2015" .. LOVE INDIA to participate in 2015 .. the close of business! March 27-March 28 February 27 menu in the menu March 20 - March 22 March 6 menu in the menu March 13 - March 15 of March 8 to 3 month menu 1 of the 1st menu February 20 - February 22 menu February 13 - February 15 menu February 6 - February 8 menu January 31-February chief keef traffic 1 of the month the 30th menu since February 2015 known your business day of .. menu in January of menu January 16 of menu January 17, 18 days menu January 23 of January 24, the 25th menu of 10 to 12
Tandoor (187) India (17) Today's rice (90) Contact Uchigohan (18) Chokonan (68) outside cat's (13) today menu (202) New menu (1) back menu (2) during the trial! (1) catering (2) Tsurezure (16) tandoor videos chief keef traffic (5) Media (2) the owner of the illness record (33) of LOVE INDIA (10) events (1) Notice of business day (24) tandoor items (5) Notice (5)
One Nation chief keef traffic Under A Curry 04/24 NEW Curry & Spice evangelist blog 04/24 NEW Chaihana Umihana 04/22 Delhi DELHI president blog 04/20 tandoor a day-to-day. 04/18 Ganesh diary 04/17 Ota of empty under curry smell of become chief keef traffic a 04/11 India cafeteria Anjuna multinational chief keef traffic tavern flowing Chappora 01/07 Indian sitar * staff blog 08/30 Tokyo spice Bancho blog spices 06 / twenty one

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cute and coaster of Taiwan railway, I learned in nice storage board article, I went to cooking

Latest Comments happydog clients; .. by omiyagemylove at 11:22 lotusnow clients .. by happydog at 13:15 lotusnow clients; .. by omiyagemylove at 12:37 certainly Kyoto of the bread delicious! .. By lotusnow927 at 11:28 happydog clients; .. by omiyagemylove ehl lausanne at 09:09 Murakami open Shindo now you have the island .. by happydog at 13:12 lotusnow clients; .. by omiyagemylove at 11:10 lotusnow clients; .. by omiyagemylove at 11:07 lotusnow clients; .. by omiyagemylove at 11:06 lotusnow clients; .. by omiyagemylove at 11:01
Favorite blog cloth and the 1st building Smiling Table Ninukitchen ehl lausanne news delicious journey ehl lausanne that over the tea is fun Asia Yukari Elliott of taste ... formation of black pug CHAPPY ehl lausanne ... it is a ~ taste of cuisine house Urara ... to-go Ichikoro Ichiuma. .. live happily the moisten things yayoi street * Namaste diary * CITRON Arekore diary yayoi street- then plus nga tu 2 (Ghat ... Zanzibar Judo Fund Blog cute things notebook 100yen * zakka powder mon Mania daily life LOVE delicious L ... continued * Jasmine of cuisine ehl lausanne Pocketbook daily visual system Food Hong Kong soupTokyo six 貨日 magazine Kyoumo Dokokade tide ... vegetarian ehl lausanne Mitto~u down and ... there can either notebook over Tsurezure su te ki world Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum Satchan of ... IEbiyori Kuechennachr ... lotus and snow and Double Happiness Favorite place apple of time. ~ Bebi wait ... Quy Nhơn ~ Kobe ...
Tag cafe snack food Kobe lunch Tokyo Kitchen India souvenirs Osaka pottery handicrafts America South Korea baby goods Kyoto dinner ehl lausanne Taiwan cloth China
And Articles Index 1 stroller second unit, .. 2 received ehl lausanne was delicious .. 3 New Year of Kamakura walk & sickle .. 4 2 days 1 night Kanazawa travel ehl lausanne .. 5 Hookah lounge, Sal .. 6 Tokyo limited Suites! ehl lausanne To academic ehl lausanne .. 7 Hoshino coffee shop, souffle .. 8 New Year preparation of, and bought in glass .. 9 Kobe harbor land-.. 10 Rukua Ihre ..
Cute and coaster of Taiwan railway, I learned in nice storage board article, I went to cooking classes PANDA KITCHEN. What it is was the station next door. July was a Chinese in here, work to use the fire or use a kitchen knife in all tours, the Toka make the combined seasoning it was style do with students. Something good cook person a multi likely, it's just tension (^^;) and then we had the dishes to come is almost carried like one after another restaurant. Edamame and shrimp stir-fry. Frozen tofu (made in softening dried tofu like a texture!) Also contains. Delicious ~ Hong Kong chow mein - in perfect for summer! 4 people in this volume. This is there was a 2 dish Dodon! ehl lausanne I, Toriwakeru ... Haha you ate significant amount. I would be a good place many times. . . Boboniwatori of black sesame flavor source, on which it was paved with this cucumber slice. . . Dodon! This is for the shooting, after this further sesame sauce covered. Somehow taste of complex flavor, such as eating at the shop. You should be ... you can do if luck even weighing, and I would like to try to make this time ... mango pudding. Taiwan ehl lausanne and the Philippines mango mango Korokkoro is not plenty, Boryumi! ! Type of Double Happiness cute Oh delicious was over. Tea was also received about three types. Wonder if this was the Taiwan tea, organic? ? Completely I feel that being in upscale ehl lausanne Chinese restaurant. And many familiar to students Everybody goods, I named, have was apron also "Oh this! Nostalgic over" is a person of the reaction there were many that "I'm was also black?". Often Goods lecture (* ^ _ ^ *) was raised to be cute and delicious with everyone, Løv Organic tea cans. In the second line of dullness tea, it seems to do tea that has been certified organic by all labels of Europe and America. Oh easier

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Basic Course participation fee of 10,000 yen / 1 step and (A, B, C STEP 3STEP by each of the three

Macrobiotic cooking classes mocafly lincoln culinary institute old Guggenheim House
Basic Course participation fee of 10,000 yen / 1 step and (A, B, C STEP 3STEP by each of the three times) A STEP (month 1 3 times) a macrobiotic yin and yang? / Brown rice in the rice you cook, how to soup stock of birds, how to vegetables of how to cut b standard diet Let's reform! / Intake way of beans, seaweed, fermented food c "Mi soil Fuji", "one of the entire" dishes lincoln culinary institute B STEP (month 1 3 times) using the energy of the environment and the mind and the body of the story / spring (wood) d season of talk of cooking Yin five elements. / Summer skillful relationship sides of the dishes f sweet Suites using the energy of macrobiotic and women of / mid-season to incorporate the rhythm of dishes e month that uses the energy of the (fire) (Sat) / autumn ( dishes C STEP (month 1 3 times) g us using the energy of gold) is, from what you ate, you have finished. The dishes h baby food, macrobiotic parenting / menu planning balance of good energy intake of the way i love using the energy of the winter (water)? I live vividly in macrobiotics. / Macrobiotic PARTY !!! extra edition <outdoor training> farming experience @ full throttle Molino plantation (who wish only)
profile mocafly Miwa Asuka Hyogo Prefecture Kakogawa born. Shioya resident. After graduating from Osaka certain university, through lincoln culinary institute magazine editor, music Ibenta, Environmental Materials company sales positions, the cafe management, and wake up to the macrobiotic dissemination activities. For the 2008/04 KUSHI INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL lincoln culinary institute MACROBIOTIC STUDIES AND COOKING CLASS ADVANCED COURCE completion 2009/03 macrobiotic cooking school instructor training lincoln culinary institute course completion 2009/05 Macrobiotic lincoln culinary institute Cooking School lincoln culinary institute Yin five elements course completion 2010/09 Macrobiotic Conference 2010 completion 2010/10 agricultural practices, and, for the nursery teacher qualification, at currently in study Shioya, for brown rice the basic & healthy child care in order to spread the macrobiotic that, to the activities lincoln culinary institute at mocafly lincoln culinary institute .
June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February lincoln culinary institute 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August July 2014 2014 2014 June May April March February January-September August July June 2013 2013 2013 December lincoln culinary institute November 2013 October 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September August lincoln culinary institute 2012 2012 July 2012 June 2012 2012 May April March February January December 2011 November October lincoln culinary institute September August July June May 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012 April March February August lincoln culinary institute July 2010 January December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 Search:

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ĺ mounted ܤ Τ Ǥ ձ Ԥä 黲 ä Ƥä ޥޤ ãˡ ڤ äϤĤǤ פ Ȥ His ޤ ȤäƤ ڤ ä ߤ ǡ ޤꤿ פ ȸäƤ ޤ ޤ ФƤ ˤ Ǥ

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ʡ ľ ꡡ ξ
ʡ Qiao Qiao (16) [+]
ġ ڤ ξȭɴ (13)
ѥ ط (18) [+]

Monday, April 20, 2015

Millet croquette kem tuoi

Millet croquette kem tuoi
And I am allowed to experience, I was able lot to know about this cooking class. I think that it'll keep together at point cooking class starts from beginner, same classmates proceed over one year to the Graduate kem tuoi School. Person class 30 name after. Students perhaps, ranging from 20's until their 60s (I think kits are upwards more), men also have a few people. Apparently, such as a person who suffers from a disease can be attended with priority. On weekdays there is a class in every day date. Saturday is just made from last year. Student recruitment, because notice to you and the health's monthly booklet difference is, Better subscription booklet if you want to go to cooking classes. The monthly booklet 1 year subscription 2,520 (including shipping). I will transfer postal transfer. First there about an hour talk of Dongcheng teacher first, flow training, tasting, lectures based on the text, that. Saturday may not Irasshara kem tuoi is Dongcheng teacher many, seems sometimes become much first story is long and two hours than the weekday class. This day is Dongcheng teacher kem tuoi that I have experienced it with your business trip in a speech, that practice was an sorry did not hear about the story, the teacher has verbally explain the procedure, show the way while collecting a student in training in a way, not cooking demonstration kem tuoi in advance. Keep reading the text, homework that comes out. Lecture based on the text, mainly as knowledge of nutrition. It came to voluntary long before kem tuoi the start of the class, to help prepare for the training. kem tuoi Class he apparently starting from around 9:50 Saturday, but I also told to come at 9:30, go and was already 6-7% of the students come. Yen once 2500. Day cash payment.
If you go to the left back and out of the classroom, there is a space called the salon, where the booklet, books, food, etc. supplements had been sold. There is a booklet of subscription application form, here because it was able to apply is, immediately I was applying for one year's worth. First get the latest information in the booklet, and your study. You and health company, because it is not a business that earn the Dongcheng teacher, to cheap booklet also, cooking classes kem tuoi also cheap. the life that you have received, Dongcheng teacher that perpetuate a very humble attitude of using for other will I think that that should be respected really.
Mobile URL
momo on M Cafe de Chaya summer Suites komoKon on M Cafe de Chaya summer kem tuoi Suites momo on Minami-Aoyama tea here on Minami-Aoyama tea kanak on 5/5 mikikana cafeteria kem tuoi in Hayama Arts Festival momo on Minami-Aoyama tea kanak on Minami-Aoyama tea momo on mikikana cafeteria kanak on mikikana cafeteria momo on cafe Slow ~ dark cafe
Peace of mind brown rice specialty mail order of Meissen | (peace of mind brown rice specialty mail order Meissen | pesticide-free, pesticide residue zero relief brown rice) pesticide-free, pesticide residue zero relief brown rice VELLFIRE (VELLFIRE) Happy My Suites (Happy Mai Suites) simple cookie recipe ( simple cookie recipe) honey Maru Leila Rose (honey circle Leila Rose) of kelp king (King of Konbu - king of kelp -) Madonna family of private chef Mayumi Nishimura-san (Mayumi Nishimura-san to create a body of macrobiotic Madonna) pressure cooker ( pressure cooker) company kem tuoi founded know-how Collection (company founded know-how collection) handmade enzyme juice diet (handmade enzyme juice diet)
Recommend site lunch Anime & Comics weblog Cocolog related Uchi rice Organic Cafe Gourmet Cooking Suites, snack spiritual, natural news PC, Internet pet macrobiotic macrobiotic cooking classes Macrobiotic Cafe Mayan calendar house, interior outside rice natural yeast bread academic, qualification mind and body culture and the arts Additional travel diary column, tweet Film and Television books and magazines economic, political and international Beauty, Cosmetics kem tuoi cookware Yin five elements-Mochimi

Saturday, April 18, 2015

About this site

November 24, 2014,; I greet the day after the "Japanese traditional food culture of Japanese" is registered in the December 2013 UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, for the first time "Japanese". In "Japanese conference", and positioned as come to the entire November baking classes this "Japanese Month", each and every of Japan has deepened awareness of "Japanese" culture, that will continue to protect and inherit the "Japanese" culture to the next generation and performs create opportunities for going to share the importance of. "Japanese conference" members nationwide plays a central role, in a variety of situations related to "Japanese" culture throughout the country, people of every position is going to expand baking classes the participation and cooperation and coordination and movement.
Children, for each of the hometown and local cuisine of home, and conducted baking classes a survey and announced, through that deepen exchanges, for the purpose of better understanding and interest in travel to Japan "local food culture", the country of the elementary school to subject the fourth grade to 6 grade children, "the second Annual Meeting of the Japanese National Children's local cuisine Summit": it will be held (sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries). This Summit is done as part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry baking classes and Fisheries "information transmission business to youth for the local food inheritance of the global dissemination project of Japanese food and food culture."
Day stamp rally 11/6 (Thursday) to 26 (water) B1F B2F food subject department of "Japanese" is this mark mark. During the period, baking classes on your bring a stamp rally paper that is distributed in the shop, 500 yen at the target store (including tax) or more purchases of customers in the three locations, we will give you a nice gift in the lottery. Please check the details, over-the-counter or home page. Announcement of the winner will be happy to return to have the shipping of prizes. (Mid-December shipping timetable)
Held-store mini tour in-store mini tour 100 times Memorial "Japanese" in the day-store mini tour of "Japanese" day theme. And guide you through the sales floor, we will eat lunch at the last restaurant district to spice 15F [Mino Yoshi]. Date: 11/21 (gold) morning and know 10 15:00 (about 3 hours) Wanted persons: 15 persons recruitment period: 11/12 up to (water) If a large number of applicants, it becomes lottery. I will contact you later 11/13 (Thursday) towards winning. Participation fee: per person 1,000 yen (tax included)
Miscellaneous goods tool that decorate the Japanese
About this site

Friday, April 17, 2015

In South Korea last year

Korean food - cooking classes in Odawara "chez tomoko"
In South Korea last year's June was I have bought up to leave only one what is on the shelf of the supermarket.
Category chez tomoko cfa app cooking classes from the album Nice to meet nice town introduction thing important thing Odawara cooking class travel cfa app gourmet fun of table coordination pet of each month cuisine Odawara Bonjour delicious confectionery album confectionery classroom Recent Posts cooking class how Ohagi annoying cheese cake full bloom Sakura Korea stay 7 Monthly archive April March February January-September August July June 2014 2014 2014 December November 2014 October 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 May 2014

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cooking classes

You have to cherish that it called "to eat to remain natural, no additives" such as. The natural healing power of the body, because I cherish. But, modern society bearded woman environment system is also a complex and diverse. . . Life style diet also, a wide variety. Be referred to as a "leave nature of" is, has become difficult.
Additives that the same kind of work can also use a number expected to be that can be displayed in the "bulk". bearded woman To become this, there is no so choose the one less. and (measures as possible, next time we will introduce) How is it? Actual food labeling, but either would have looked a little?
People who looked at this article, this article by you Organic = not a pesticide-free, bearded woman which has seen? Criteria and meaning of organic food? What is the difference between organic agricultural products and pesticide-free agricultural products? Bran so to get in the difference-milled rice - brown rice and white rice be seen in the eyes! The Organic? I want to avoid the relationship and difference dangerous food additives and macrobiotic! The point of safe food choose? The difference is that natural farming, special cultivation, organic farming? Macrobiotic and is the difference between vegetarian? ~ Vegetarian kind curry even Indian cuisine Healthy spice plenty of summer beauty iodine? Sum cafe 1 日 open macrobiotic friendly body is not even "nutritious meat", nor your vegetables, and cereal! bearded woman Macrobiotic additive-free bearded woman display Food additives December 11, 2013 did not leave a comment. Basic macrobiotic beans knowledge of macrobiotic
Sub content
Popular article Index 78468 views pressure cook how delicious glutinous brown rice in a pot 53994 views Know surprised! Nutrition and effect 53781 views nature and meal balance of arrowroot flour are complete! Beet sugar in ~ macrobiotic to become bearded woman beauty bearded woman to change the macrobiotic is perfect 46406 views sugar to ~ diet? The difference between sugar? 44748 views Chico - sweet and delicious domestic flour 34017 views sugar good sugar to body to become a beauty by changing the can tell by the color? ~ 32060 views dates is, the nourishing in perfect delicious bearded woman dried fruit 28542 views macrobiotic snack "meat, eggs, milk," etc., to refrain from the Why? 25074 views rice candy-friendly body, glutinous Healthy crepe recipe also gentle sweetness 21928 views macrobiotic taste
And start a simple macrobiotic from spring for beginners sama! April cooking classes guidance
Is the basis for the category macrobiotic (28) macrobiotics? (9) macrobiotic Tips (9) eat delicious brown rice (2) become beauty in macrobiotic (21) clean diet in macrobiotic (7) skin meal surgery in macrobiotic (5) macrobiotic, why beauty diet No such? (1) of sugar for the relationship (4) of clean oil and beauty-taking (4) of the cooking classes and events guide (103) macrobiotic event state (4) of macrobiotic cooking classes appearance (42) Guest voice (7) macrobiotic diet beauty recipes (14) good cook beans knowledge of (1) Rice (4) side dishes of vegetables (5) Suites (3) soup (1) macrobiotic food dictionary (11) Recommended cuisine Goods & this (9) shops natural food (Cafe restaurant) (1) friendly to the mind and body everyday events (6)
And start a simple macrobiotic from spring for beginners sama! April cooking classes guidance
Cooking classes & events guidance macrobiotic of events appearance macrobiotic of how your cooking class voice macrobiotic of beauty diet recipes macrobiotic food dictionary recommended cuisine Goods & this natural food you become beautiful in basic macrobiotic categories macrobiotic shop skin meal surgery macrobiotic in (Cafe restaurant) mind and side dishes of beans knowledge rice vegetables friendly everyday events good cook the body Suites macrobiotic in clean diet macrobiotic, Why a beauty diet? The macrobiotic? Macrobiotic Tips soup oil and sugar-taking for the relationship brown rice a delicious eat beautiful bearded woman beauty
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I girl had made a cute face, your buns of boys playfully spooky Iboibo (laughs)

I girl had made a cute face, your buns of boys playfully spooky Iboibo (laughs)
Blog Top List of articles image list
NPO ecomam of President Fukuoka City resident, two children of the mother. I grew up in Tokyo born in Fukuoka. Founded marriage from ... of their own parenting experience in the period to Fukuoka, for moms who are working the restaurant school hard, in order to provide their own polish time, the NPO, to planning and management the Lone OK events and Culture School . "In order to raise the child to have a dream, first mom would based on the dream! ! "Theme that foster the restaurant school the dream of moms in the, and, with the goal that you deliver to the whole country the power of moms of Fukuoka, we are struggling day and night. Please, everyone please boost the Ekomamu together
Operates a whole are Ltd. GRACE CREA (Grace Clie) NPO corporation ecomam (Ekomamu) of Mothers Natural & Organic shop FIKA MARKET ( fee mosquito Market) Life Style SHOP every day is fun mom FIKA + SHOP mom makes, for mom Web Magazine the restaurant school http: // www parenting information site that mom working in / Daimaru thought
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

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The Shiokoji Shiokoji (Shiokoji), malt and salt, and water to mix fermented, aged, traditional Japanese seasoning "koji", it found its presence in the Nara period, ancient Japanese fermentation The food is indispensable. Grain by the US koji wearing a fungus, there is a kind such as Mamekoji, is what must-have to make miso and soy sauce, sake. Koji will continue to adapt manually to spread over the whole mix koji mold in rice steamed. That two full days lay in koji room and is ready if accustomed to as koji flowers bloomed. To further the "Shiokoji", this in rice koji those fermented 1-2 weeks to mix the salt and water is "Shiokoji". "Three hundred fifty-eight (Sagohachi) pickled", by the pickled floor plus salt to sweet sake, is the Fukushima Prefecture Aizu unique pickles. And was made to re-use of rice that Kuzumai and remained gone out at the time of threshing and rice will have been said to start. Three hundred fifty-eight sec_error_expired_certificate A, salt three, five construction, from making is mixed at a ratio of insect rice eight, it is said to have been named as "three hundred fifty-eight". The original and made koji mold of salt malt contains a lot of substance called enzymes. Work of the enzyme is to degrade starch and protein contained sec_error_expired_certificate in the food, and at the same time to soften sec_error_expired_certificate the food, creates sugars, amino acids, onset to make a glutamic acid, a unique taste. Contradiction that salty while there is a sweet smell of salt koji, is to perfect blend by the action of the enzyme. While to cherish the taste of food, and make further sec_error_expired_certificate taste by the action of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Sticks black koji mold of the size of the large pea position in the fall of harvesting before the rice. Since wither is rice and put me cheek, it seems there was a craftsman to collect the koji mold. The craftsmen had been referred to as a "bean sprouts (koji) ya". Nara Period, brewing began by culturing the koji mold. And, miso, it seems now also used in soy sauce. Past year "Inekoji" came out is also described, such as was also that had been pleased from farmers as "signs of good harvest". The old literature is with "blue rice koji In the field", "rice and burst to Tama Aoki and is Ainari to koji of seeds and without TRI the Shi". Shiokoji (Shiokoji) How to make <material> koji (dry type) 200g salt 60g (30% of salt guideline Koji) water 300cc dry koji (200g) finely loosened by were placed in a bowl, adding salt (60g), and when mixed with and rub the whole, was added water (300cc), and further mixed with Sakkuri. When you become a flat surface was transferred to in a large airtight container (glass bottle, etc.), put to room temperature and cover the not close the lid. 1 week and winter because (once stir it ripen by placing sec_error_expired_certificate 1-2 weeks to every day) is warmer months is early advances of fermentation temperature is allowed to ferment in have position for two weeks. When the salt koji to store been completed, it is stored in a refrigerator tightly close the lid. Half a year can be saved in the refrigerator. (Become sour proceed fermentation to be stored at 10 or more) Gurumezon "cuisine with sake lees-Shiokoji-miso-yogurt" cooking classes - menu in March 2012 natural food and fermentation food cuisine (Sanpei-jiru-kettle For steamed strawberry yogurt jelly) friendly fermented food to the body of the ball noodles chicken and seasonal vegetables, enzymes, amino acids, fermented foods for fermented sec_error_expired_certificate food "how to make salt koji" sec_error_expired_certificate for useful microorganisms rice koji, by the fermentation ingredients, not only nutritious increases, I have a function that changes easier to digestion and absorption. Japanese traditional foods that contain fermented foods, has begun to attract attention abroad as diet to maintain health. Fermented foods, international or climate and ingredients of each region, has been improved tradition to suit the characteristics of the ethnic sec_error_expired_certificate customs and body. Fermented foods, incorporating the traditional foods as much as possible to the diet, let's practice the diet the body rejoice sec_error_expired_certificate to eat. by the action, sec_error_expired_certificate such as citric acid Taking the vinegar, fatigue recovery sec_error_expired_certificate will accelerated. Lactic acid bacteria contained in such pickles and yogurt, there is intestinal action, enzyme in natto us to clean the blood contains a lot. The nutrients contained in the material, joined the newly generated nutritional sec_error_expired_certificate ingredients in the fermentation, and I can be reborn in the power-up the food, plays an important role in health promotion. Let's try to incorporate as many of fermented foods in the daily diet. Strawberry Buramanju (yogurt flavor)
07 May 06 May 05 May 03 May 02 May 01 May September 2010 July June 2011 2011 September 2011 November sec_error_expired_certificate 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 August 2010 2010 July 06 June 05 May 04 May 03 May 02 May 01 May 12 May 10 May 09 May August 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 07 May June 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 May 2009 04 May 02 May 01 May 07 May June 2008 December November October September 2008 2008 2008 August 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009
1 red fruit Saw .. 2 beets and red turnip 3 Aomori of edible wild plants news 4 summer appetizer and Shokado lunch to 1 5 chicken confit sec_error_expired_certificate 6 Shokado lunch 7 La France sec_error_expired_certificate of cake 8 spices & seasonings sec_error_expired_certificate NO. 2 9 Hanami lunch ~ Kyoto kaiseki "point .. 10 golden peach princess yellow ..

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Monday, April 13, 2015

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

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Zuckerberg: I like red or green, because facebook is blue.

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Saturday, April 11, 2015

As of June 30, Berkshire is sitting on about $ 55 billion in cash, the amount of cash retained Buff

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As of June 30, Berkshire is sitting on about $ 55 billion in cash, the amount of cash retained Buffett advocates effort pa more than 2-fold. Buffett has said he likes to keep cash in case of his career massive insurance claims requirements.
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Friday, April 10, 2015

3, negative. Everyone will talk about gossip, whine or complain about a few from time to time, but

"A bad habit might not make you lose your job on the spot, but the cumulative negative impact arising out of, but you can do it." Austin Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas Professional baking class (Liberal Arts Career Services at The University of Texas at Austin), director Katherine Brooks (Katharine Brooks) said Dr. She also "studies to guide professional route of" (You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career) author of the book. "People see a shortcoming in your body, you will see more of the shortcomings and problems." She said. A bad habit can cause you to be isolated in the office, this performance assessment and the ability to work to have a great impact on you.
"There is no doubt that the truth or a lie to cover up the habit, both big and small, will give your career a tragic baking class painting terminator." Psychologist also a best-selling book "weathered personal crisis" (Living Through Personal Crisis), baking class author Ann Kaiser Stearns (Ann Kaiser Stearns) said, "A lie need more lies to cover up, the ultimate consequences are devastating," she added: "Whether we are or in a bank in the company, whether it is learning in school or serving in the military, whether living or charitable publishing industry, but also whether it is done or do the medical building, is working hard in the workplace or in the government office, once Employers lose betray the principles, you do not deserve to continue to stay on the job. "
3, negative. Everyone will talk about gossip, whine or complain about a few from time to time, but once this becomes habit, it is not far from losing their jobs. "These actions will result baking class in the same consequences that you will become the heart of suffering boss," Talent Zoo president Amy Hoover (Amy Hoover) said, "One of the responsibilities of your boss is going to keep the whole team high . combat, once the team, someone spread negative emotions, her views can be imagined. "She added:" The negative baking class employee would normally be regarded as' tumor 'boss, the result is eventually to be' cut '' baking class if at work. on any discontent, a good way is private and your boss communicate directly, rather than go to incite colleagues.
10, a loner. Always like to do things quietly buried a man? In the office this set does not apply. "Although the work needs to be done alone, in some cases, some of the work will be to concentrate to complete, but overall, good employees to cooperate with others in the workplace will be more successful," Brooks said, "teamwork including timely praised (that is, do not rush colleagues credit), to give to others to help, take the initiative to help share some of the work is not within the purview of you, and so others. "Once you have been deemed not gregarious colleague, then when you There are problems, they will not get their help.
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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Talk Todd Combs and Ted Weschler. BUFFETT: Well, both of them are perfect. Two people are $ 1 milli

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I would completely avoid buying long-term government debt (including the United States and other countries).
Talk Todd Combs and Ted Weschler. BUFFETT: Well, both of them are perfect. Two people are $ 1 million annual salary, if they invest more than the S & P 500 portfolio, the excess of the 10% bonus, three-cycle system. 80% of the performance of each person to see their own, 20% of the performance at each other. I think that you no longer find better than this institution. When each of whom manages $ 2.75 billion, but Buffett little pastry art regulation they just want them to buy new shares, to know what they bought.
Local News The problem is that the high cost of issue, and they put the content on the Internet pastry art for free but pay people to buy the newspaper. As far as I know, any business plan, if some people charge, but will the same version of the free, so it is impossible pastry art to sustain the program.
Q: What's Berkshire companies gain a competitive advantage?
Buffett: only when the stock price significantly undervalued, we will repurchase may repurchase billions of dollars. You can buy back at 110% of book value.
Munger answer: Berkshire pastry art basically no impact on their portfolio companies.
This letter is to inform you that I have been diagnosed with a prostate cancer. The good news is, my doctor told me that my condition is not life-threatening far, not even debilitating. I received the diagnosis last Wednesday. Then on Thursday I had CAT scans and bone scans, pastry art and today they made a magnetic resonance pastry art imaging. These tests show no cancer in other parts of my body. My doctor and I decided to start from mid-July to accept the daily radiation therapy for two months. This arrangement will limit my travel during this period, but there will be no change in their daily lives. I feel good, and they are completely healthy in normal times, as my energy level is 100%. I found that had cancer because my PSA level (my doctor in the past years frequently check this indicator) recently than the normal height, seemed to need a biopsy. If my health status changes, I will let you know. Eventually, that day will come; but I believe that day is still far.
Buffett: and the accumulation pastry art of foreign exchange reserves to build your country, which is something never before.
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Why not, said Liu and Deng Deng said David Liu Dajun: Napoleon

Why not, said Liu and Deng Deng said David Liu Dajun: Napoleon's chief court painter works appreciation
"He Lati brothers vow" (Oath of the Horatii). Now in the possession art institute of california of the Louvre. Describes He Lati (Roma language: Horatius) let his three sons swear in front of the sword: for the Roman fighting to the death. According to the Roman historian art institute of california Titus - Livy (Titus Livy, 59- 17 years BC AD) records: three male members art institute of california of the Roman 荷拉提 family is selected, a family of three with Alba Longa City Male members art institute of california of the duel to settle disputes between the city of Rome and the city of Alba Longa. art institute of california "Death art institute of california of Socrates" (The Death of Socrates). Possession of the United States art institute of california is now the Metropolitan Museum. The Greek philosopher Socrates describes taking hemlock (hemlock), "to protest art institute of california the death of Athens art institute of california and alert the authorities art institute of california fall younger generation." Teacher-student relationship Socrates, Plato and Aristotle trio are three founders of Western philosophy. Later, Aristotle, Alexander the Great conquered the students, "was known throughout the world." On these two works is the famous French art institute of california painter Jacques - Louis David (Jacques-Louis David, 1748-1825). Prior to these two famous works, created in the French Revolution, the later "fanaticism" of the French Revolution, had a significant impact. After the failure of the French Revolution, Napoleon emperor ascended the throne, David became a fanatical supporter art institute of california of Napoleon, the chief court painter. David actively participated in the French Revolution, drew a lot of works celebrating the revolution. For this reason, received art institute of california some persecution. David actively support Napoleon, Napoleon drew a lot of work. For this reason, once again suffered a period of persecution. art institute of california 1794: The next wave of the Restoration, the David jail shut for a while, then let it go. Three years later, in 1797, Napoleon came to power that enabled his friend, David ever since Napoleon help (chief court painter), creating a lot of work. 1915: Napoleon's defeat art institute of california in the Battle of Waterloo, the restoration of the next wave dynasty again, for Napoleon to help a 18-year David living to Brussels to paint for a living. 10 years later, David died in 1825, was buried in Brussels, but his heart was shipped back to France for burial:. "Has a surprising number of students, so that he was the most influential of the 19th century, a painter," as though art institute of california he David persecuted twice, but did not affect the creation of David. For example, David, after the defeat of Napoleon, next wave dynasty did not execute the "accomplice", however, because of David in the year when the revolution of the death of Louis XVI of France voted in favor of the emperor, convicted of "deportation" . So David went to a foreign country, all right. Again, after the first defeat of Napoleon was exiled to an island, there is no death; "do not repent," the Napoleon from the island back to France, led once again "the masses know the truth," Get up and fight off wave dynasty, failed again (Waterloo), the second has been banished to another island, and finally died on the island, Napoleon defeated the British, Prussian and French next wave dynasty, it really be "educated, there is virtue, magnanimous, "the. It is this tolerance, making Europe and the United States the ability to create the artist's freedom of sway, producing numerous works: human civilization. David's work, full of passion, it is lasting. David said some saying: "Painting is not a skill, skill does not constitute a painter." art institute of california "Take the palette is not necessarily the painter's hand holding a palette must obey the mind." His words, later became a painter of Proverbs. "Ares and Athena fighting" (The Combat of Ares and Athena). Ares is the god of war in Greek mythology, the equivalent of Roman mythology, Mars, god of war Athena is not only a woman, but the goddess of wisdom. "Antiochus and Stella art institute of california Tony silk" (Antiochus et Stratonice). After Alexander's death, his ministry will were established in several countries, is the largest Seleucid Empire (Seleucid Empire, right in the dark green part). Seleucid Empire founder art institute of california Seleucus I (Seleucus I, 281,77 before age 358- ago) former imperial Houepama (Apama I) died, married a 16-year-old beauty Stella Tony wire , gave birth to two children. Son Seleucus I, with the former art institute of california imperial Houapama born, Antiochus I Soter (Antiochus I, time of birth is unknown, died 261 years ago, 20-year reign: 281-261 years ago), the love of the dark his stepmother, the 16-year-old beauty Stella Tony wire, Chafanbusi, finally fell ill, lives in jeopardy. Antiochus I Soter doctor responsible for the discovery of the true cause of the prince of the disease, told the Emperor Seleucus I Nicator. In order to save his son's life, Seleucus I just married the young emperor 后斯特拉托尼 wire 300 BC, six years later, 294 years ago gave Antiochus I Soter do Princess (stepmother become his wife) and son common to the previous 281 years in power. After the death of Seleucus I, Antiochus I Soter govern alone for 20 years. Antiochus and silk Stella Tony had five children, including a third place Seleucid Empire Emperor Antiochus II Theos (Antiochus II). The concept of marriage in ancient Greece, some people may not understand completely. Seleucus I, with the former imperial art institute of california Houapama marriage was Alexander the Great's a "mass wedding" result: art institute of california "To the Greeks and Persians integration", 324 BC, Alexander the Great was held in the ancient capital of the Persian Susa of a famous "Susa weddings" (The Susa Weddings). About 9000 Greek soldiers Persian nobleman collective married girl as a wife, married art institute of california Alexander lead Darius III (Darius III, 380-330 years ago, the emperor of Persia, defeat was killed by his own men fleeing) the daughter of Sri Radha Intuit pull II (Stateira II, Alexander's death, art institute of california the murder of Alexander the Great's ex-wife). art institute of california So, Antiochus I Soter Greeks (Macedonians) and Persians hybrids. Greek and Greek civilization, through war and marriage, extended to "the known world at the time," up to about three hundred years, until the rise of the Roman Empire. Seleucid Empire existed for about 250 years (312- 63 BC), is the founder of Seleucus I and his son Antiochus I Soter. "Susa weddings" (The weddings at Susa). Author unknown. art institute of california Alexander the Great's death, his ministry will set up several art institute of california empires, such as between Seleucid Empire, the Ptolemaic Empire and the original native art institute of california country of Greece, long-term habit of intermarriage, maintain a long tradition of Greek civilization and heritage . "Intervention of the Sabine Women" (The Intervention of the Sabine Women). When Rome was first built, more male than female, so the Romans in the first attack in a large number of the Sabine Women plunder back to Rome. Sabine women were looted after 3 years, Sabine revenge attack Rome, who has a wife and mother of the Sabine Women Ku Quan and good husband and father and brother, and eventually to two tribal fusion. Since then, the Sabines and Latins together to become the founder of the ancient Roman civilization, Rome's first three hundred veterans in that there are one hundred from Sabine. Figure famous characters: the left is the Sabine king Titus (Titus Tatius). The middle is the daughter of Titus 赫尔西莉亚 (Hersilia). art institute of california Right is 赫尔西莉亚 husband, in Greek mythology, god of war Mars (Mars) art institute of california son Romulus (Romulus). Roman mythology, said: It is the Romulus and his brother Remus (Remus) is a she-wolf raised, and later established the city of Rome, the formation of the Roman Empire. Roman city throughout the city by the United Nations World Heritage art institute of california Site, the city of Rome Vatican State as a whole is also listed as another World Heritage Site. On the right is the image of "Intervention of the Sabine Women" in a Sabine women, the portrayal of the characters to life. So the whole work to spread to immortality. Have seen a lot of Chinese literature or literary critic, commenting on some of the ancient Chinese called "famous artist" who created portraits, using the word "life" really did not know what to say. A series of great works of David, as the French Revolution played a role in fueling. Brutus squire to back his son's corpse "(The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons). Now in the possession of the Louvre. Brutus (Lucius Junius Brutus) was the first institution established by the Roman Republic, in accordance with the definition of future generations in the traditional sense: He should be regarded as the first consul 509 BC Rome. His descendants Brutus (Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger) is the planning and murder of the first "destroy the republican system" Roman dictator Julius Caesar (Julius Caesar), one of the masterminds of the two. Painting Description: Brutus's son tried to overthrow the republic, the establishment of the monarchy, between national and son, Brutus chose the country, executed his own son, defended the Roman republic. The painting was created in 1789, is about the French Revolution broke out, the Emperor and the National Assembly contradictory surge, the Bastille had been overcome. David's painting, art institute of california was carried to the streets to show the French army tried to disperse art institute of california them, David rose up to protect students painting exhibits, became big news moment. "Tennis Court Oath" (Tennis Court Oath). This is a very famous sketch: 577 third grade three meetings on behalf of France and a few first grade representative, art institute of california signed the oath in the June 20, 1789. Prior to this, Emperor Louis XVI to oppose the third meeting of the National Assembly, so that the army was ordered to stop these representatives to enter the venue. art institute of california So they came to a meeting of the Royal indoor tennis courts, and vowed not to work out the French "Constitution" never give up. "Tennis Court Oath" is "the most important day of the French Revolution": the people's parliament decided to share power with the monarchy. June 20, 1789, signed the oath: "Tennis Court Oath", a symbol of the beginning of the French Revolution. July 14, 1789, riots people overcome the Bastille (This day was designated art institute of california as the French National Day). August 26, 1789, by the National Assembly art institute of california of France