Friday, April 3, 2015

In Google just launched its new social network Google+ never been seen, Google + is rightly seen as

Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO) Larry Page (Google CEO) Jeff Bezos (Amazon CEO)
Photo: David Paul Morris (David Paul Morris) / Getty Images (Jobs) Justin Sullivan (Justin Sullivan) / Getty Images (Zuckerberg) Zipp Eastbourne (Chip East) / Reuters (Page) Mario Tama (Mario Tama) / Getty Images (Bezos)
California, the mayor of Cupertino City - Gilbert Wong opened the town hall meeting, and gave a speech and said: "It is well known because of Apple Computer of Cupertino and famous, tonight, we are pleased skraja to invited to Mr. Steve Jobs came here for us to do a special lecture. skraja " Mayor then indicate: skraja "? Mr. Jobs" He came, dressed in a black high-necked sweater, jeans, Jobs slowly toward skraja the podium, led most of the town hall meeting in a rare thunderous applause. The thin stature legend is standing in the middle skraja of ordinary citizens, rather than standing in front of San Francisco's Moscone Center giant projection screen, really shocking to see this scene. He seems to be in the wrong place, like a lion strolling at the mall.
"Apple is developing rapidly," Jobs said, his voice low, sometimes trembling. But his plan was very ambitious: Apple is preparing a total of 150 acres of land (in 2010 available from Hewlett-Packard) to build a massive new headquarters. The company has commissioned a "group skraja of the world's skraja best architects" to do something unusual design, skraja this single building will accommodate 12,000 skraja Apple employees. "This is a very great building," Jobs said, when speaking, he demystifies this futuristic building on the screen. This ring-shaped building made of glass and concrete composed of amazing, in his eyes, like "boat landing spacecraft."
No one can expect, June 7, 2011 Steve Jobs unveiled in Cupertino City Hall, was his last public appearance (Steve Jobs resigned from Apple at the end of August that year CEO, passed away early October). The appearance of proper benefits. Apple's new headquarters in 2015 after the completion of its area will be slightly smaller than the Pentagon, skraja the diameter will exceed the height of the Empire State Building. It has an independent natural gas power plants, transmission grid will only be used as backup power. This is not just a new corporate headquarters, and is a statement: Recently, working with Exxon compete skraja "world's skraja most valuable company," the title of Apple intends to become a permanent great decisive force.
Try to put some of it clearly: defines the 21st century IT industry and the entertainment industry which four US companies, is in the edge of war. The next two years, Amazon, Apple, skraja Facebook, Google confrontation in the field of mobile skraja phones, tablet PCs, mobile applications, social networks will increase, competition will be intensified. Four companies have demonstrated a superior means of competition, excellent strategic arrangements and superb level of implementation, so that other companies in the world to catch up. For example, HP spent $ 1.2 billion acquisition of Palm, Inc., tried to TouchPad tablet with Apple under a high. After 49 days of hard, HP had embarrassed divestment, CEO Apotheker (Léo Apotheker) also resigned. Microsoft's every move should be seen as a response to these more sophisticated wit, and even more money the company (such as apples) and made. Hulu video such companies up for sale if you want to, people immediately think that the buyer might be the four companies, which want to have anything wrong with it? Four companies skraja have the most powerful weapon, and now they want to compete for more room to grow, in the hands of these weapons have a piece ready.
Remember, Google's goal is to sort out all the information was in the world? Maybe this is too trivial skraja task. Google only a few months at the helm, in order to challenge Facebook, CEO Larry Page announced a new social networking product (Google+), has spent $ 12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility, in part aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of Apple force. Google's YouTube video service are to please the user, in order to obtain them to produce more original programming. In the coming years, as long as the advertising business can continue to grow, Page will be able to carry out these (or other) attempts. Google is making steady progress, skraja turnover skraja will reach $ 30 billion this year, almost double 2007's.
Meanwhile, Facebook is not just the world's largest social network, is the world's most widely used tool for human communication. It has changed the way people interact (see its new Timeline interface), redefines the way to share, share content, including personal information, photographs (more than 250 million per day), as well as today's news, music, TV and movies. More than 800 million users by recording a point like behavior, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been an unparalleled treasure trove of personal data on consumer behavior, he can take advantage of this treasure trove of media and advertising personal transformation. Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google did not set limits on the scope of business; they are calm and quiet places across the technology sector, positive retail, advertising, publishing, film and television industry, the financial sector even enter. Throughout skraja the economic field, this four companies stepping up setting the agenda. Bezos, Jobs, Zuckerberg and Page stared business community, naturally imagine yourself by the server all in the bag. Why not get involved in everything it? In this competition, four soldiers, the stronger will be the Vietnam War, and the other competitors far behind. Each person reading this article, users are Amazon, Apple, Facebook or Google may also use the majority of people in the four company's products. Blog circle of the Big Four tirelessly every move is reported that reflects the people's great enthusiasm for these companies. Exxon Mobil Corporation (ExxonMobil) might sometimes be the most valuable company in the world, but you can tell it's CEO who is it? You can search through the entire Internet to obtain information about its products under a rumor it? While the four other companies, little by little eroded territory, users are looking forward to be able to use more cool products. The next few years will be very exciting, because this competition could transform our daily lives, even beyond the extent of change in the past decade, four companies of our habits. skraja Dear readers, that is why at the time of this war is approaching, the reason you need to get a program guide. A roadmap for the second skraja idea is that these post-PC devices will encourage skraja and promote consumption - almost every form of consumption. So that each giant will be more efforts skraja to provide services using all kinds of media - books, music, movies, TV shows, games, and whatever makes you lonely time those wonderful things together (they are all things to socialize treatment, so you can share with friends, or meet some new friends). But this is not only a digital media giants will make the consumption of all things have become easier. For example, the new $ 79 Kindle, it is not only a better reading device also incorporates Amazon those products locally provided. Amazon Fire will be equipped with the optimal design, more suitable for the new version of in the Tablet PC is running, this new version will allow the use of physical goods purchased from the Amazon easier, and you can buy goods From pet food to the lawn mower, everything. No matter when and where you are online, the Big Four want to help you achieve your online transactions.
We will have a wealth of data on all the action on these devices, which is inspired by the vision of the four companies in the third big idea. Data like feeding the Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google's breast milk. Data not only help innovate and improve advertising system (Google and Facebook rely on advertising skraja systems), but also better able to predict the next customer's willingness to buy (Amazon and Apple want to know that). Data can also push to generate new invention: Google's voice recognition systems, skraja electronic traffic map, as well as its spell checker is based on large-scale, anonymous user tracking. These three concepts complement Aioi constantly cycle (usually benign cycle). Post-PC device associated with individual users is very close. Think about it: your family have a home desktop computer, but you may not have household Kindle. E-book with a single bound Amazon skraja account, skraja one can only be read by one person. Speaking on the phone, and applications as well. This is the Big Four is a good thing, because all the means that your phone, tablet or e-reader that happens is that you have contact with. Your likes, dislikes and bias will lead to new product launches and new products in order to be able to creative ways to promote you. Big Four together, we have it all the registered credit card information, and the information contained typical American users. As long as the Big Four to collect payment: Apple through iTunes, Google through the "pay station" (Checkout), Amazon through the "Amazon skraja pay" (Amazon Payments), skraja and face book by its internal integration to collect payment. Google and Amazon have launched recently and Gao Peng (Groupon) a similar daily trading services, while Facebook is being used to pursue the transaction through its registration services (which occurred after the public face of the book from their special products business retreat).
2 war is inevitable hardware, media, data. Since the four companies have cherished every three concepts based on the vision of the above, then the conflict again and again by the strategic actions that caused it seems unable to avoid. Take Amazon, it needs a better media tablets, skraja to attract skraja more users to use their MP3 and Kindle skraja app store. But how to avoid such a catastrophe like HP do? Kindle Fire's screen is only 7 inches, with all of the Amazon streaming service, while the retail price of only $ 199, so it is between the iPhone and the iPad cut out the heart of a blank price and features. Who would have thought there is a gap in the market between these two? Apple still do not think there is such a gap (see next section), but if really successful Kindle Fire, Apple will still recognize.
In Google just launched its new social network Google+ never been seen, Google + is rightly seen as a challenge to Zuckerberg. But in essence, we should be understood Google+ (also +1 button --Google version skraja of "praise"): This product is used to obtain more data on user preferences. These data will enhance the search algorithm to improve other existing services, and even to promote the birth of new products. So, Google for the pursuit of self-improvement, making the formation of a face book direct competition. Why should the temerity Zuckerberg earlier this year launched the "Facebook phone"? (HTC has released a mobile phone is a product called "Status" features an embedded button, a button allows users to publish information on the social networks.) Facebook is currently the most downloaded iPhone applications It became the core of the millions skraja of Android contacts database, Windows and BlackBerry devices, but at the same time, their opponents all have competing social skraja networks, Facebook users can suck. Particularly amazing is that Apple has put Twitter also integrated into iOS 5, allowing users to be able to play in any application Twitter, this characteristic is obviously going to hit Facebook expansion on mobile devices. Page now has Google+. Amazon's Kindle has its own social network, skraja can read the same book readers connected. Zuckerberg will need to continue to make money by Facebook users, so even if he repeated the rumor, claiming not to enter the hardware business, you have to weigh what to believe.
About the company and its new initiatives such as the torrent of news and rumors that have been in general, and only intensified. Want to understand their strategy, first of all from the hardware, media and data perspective of its new action. 3. Profit games at the end of 2010, Steve Jobs unexpectedly attended the quarterly earnings conference call, Apple, Apple is said to celebrate the first quarter turnover of over 20 billion US dollars, but apparently Steve Jobs another look a gift horse: Andrews. At that time, Google's free mobile operating system began to erode the market share of iPhone, Steve Jobs was furious. skraja He denounced the shortcomings premeditated Andrews: "Whether consumers or developers, this will be a mess." For example, he said, because of the shape and function of Android phones vary,

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