Wednesday, April 29, 2015

7. The woman was the first known criminal incident related to the beer cause. 2000 one Egypti

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On the historical banh da lon value of beer
Technology of beer advertising
1. Zitologija (zythology) is the science of beer and its production. Zitologas is a living encyclopedia of beer. Such a man can tell a myriad of information about beer production, raw materials, combinations and other interesting banh da lon things related to beer.
2. There exists such a combination as beer sommelier. It has been used previously, while interest in beer was poor. However, for quite a long time connoisseur of beer it is called "Cicerone" (pronounced sis-uh-Rohn). Cicerone is a professional who knows how stored, transported and sold beer, knowledgeable beer styles and their (style) representatives of consumer culture, is able to objectively describe the taste of beer and beer aroma, taste and quality, knowledgeable in the raw materials and the brewing process, is able to create and offer beer and food combinations.
What is the difference between Cicero and beer sommelier? The difference is that Cicerone is a formal status, which must hear in order to get their education, and to maintain the certification exams, and beer sommelier himself can declare any dilettante.
5. The oldest known beer advertising is advertising - it is written on clay tablets with didžiakrūtės image of a woman, holding the hands of two large containers of beer. Advertising slogan sounded similar to "Take Ebla beer - beer with a lion's heart." These ads ever - more than 4000 years.
7. The woman was the first known criminal incident related to the beer cause. 2000 one Egyptian horse-drinking beer then, broke into the ancient temple of the goddess and kidnapped a young priestess of the temple. The incident ended sadly - and horse crucified on the inn where he drowned beer, door and let the body take down the birds until tearing his body.
8. The most expensive beer in the world is La Vieille BON SECOURS beer. This beer bottle priced at 1000USD, and its taste can be in only one place in the world - bar Bierdrome, located in London.
12. There are a few interesting facts about the fact that beer has a positive impact on certain human body and health properties, but because of the laws in force in the Republic of Lithuania prohibits the publication of information about the positive health effects of alcohol.
13. Some argue that unpasteurized and unfiltered beer is almost all minerals and trace elements necessary for life processes guarantee. Medieval doctors banh da lon advised their citizens to drink beer, because it's not only supplement meager food rations, but also to the possibility of becoming infected with unclean water-borne infectious diseases. Beer has been brewed in this process thanks banh da lon to the killed bacteria and viruses as pathogens and have been fighting various diseases.
14. For a long time the Czech Republic was a country - beer Gerik leader. The country has taken on the most beer per capita. Recently, increasing not only the population banh da lon but also the cost of living, beer consumption in the Czech Republic ahead of China. In this country, taken on more than 350 mil. hectoliters of beer per year, and China is the fastest growing beer market in the country. The US remained the only third place.
2013-04-03 at 15:24 - Reply
"Middle Ages, doctors advised their citizens to drink beer, because it's not only supplement meager food rations, but also to ensure unclean water-borne banh da lon infectious diseases - perhaps not" ensure "and" prevent "?
Westvleteren buying from the manufacturer's costs from 30 to 39 euros for 24 bottles of 0.33 liters (1 carton) banh da lon plus the deposit for bottles and boxes. I have heard that resellers requests to 35 euros per bottle. It's not even close to the Secours. banh da lon Where this was written for us to blog?
Even matured Westvleteren hard to reach this price. On the other hand you look, Westvleteren so easily return. It sells only monastery and only pre-order, which can only be done by phone and only on certain days and hours (call equal to winning the lottery). Moreover, you can only subscribe to a box or two and will need to come to withdraw himself.
Zitologija quickly street slang meaning the science of beer. I think really the universities, even in the same Weihenstephan Institute do not teach :) Cicerone is a generic term defining banh da lon a connoisseur guide. banh da lon Himself Ray Daniels, who founded the Cicerone banh da lon Certification Program, states that it is preparing a beer sommelier.
'4. The oldest known written recipe is a recipe for beer. It is written on the stone slabs in the form of songs before more than 5000 years. "Wiki" wrote that "A 3,900-year-old Sumerian poem honouring Ninkasi, the patron goddess of brewing, contains the oldest surviving banh da lon beer recipe, Describing the production of beer from barley via bread. "The language clearly comes to the same recipe, the date in one of the sources is wrong.
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