Thursday, April 30, 2015

Original, refreshing and interesting beers, which delights cass cafe its aroma and taste does not l

Brewers Cup 2014 finalists: Andrew Jučas
BBQ: perfect pork ribs
On the historical cass cafe value of beer
Technology of beer advertising
Yesterday, cass cafe Vilnius restaurant Soul & Pepper was the most recent "Lighthouse collection of traditional beer delivery to the public. "Lighthouse" in the new season cooked "Korio cass cafe beer flavored with honey and ginger. Before marketing a beer at the beer was held presentation and tasting. A small, but cozy company came to the presentation - tasting new beers tasted, listened to stories about the origin of beer and shared their impressions.
As announced in the information - beer flavored with honey and ginger. For me the combination cass cafe of warm part of the season was a little strange. When I want to honey and ginger? Correct - in the fall. When nasty weather, cold outside, feet and nose peršlampa recalls the need to buy handkerchiefs. cass cafe Then I want to sit back at home and find a warm honey and ginger. It is consoling and heating combination, like cleaning in a bad mood and raising morale.
The beer is unfiltered, so should nepurtyti cass cafe bottle cass cafe and pour into a glass slowly. Then beer cup will auksiškai transparent, very clear, cass cafe pretty, slightly soft greenish shades with golden color. If beer pilstydami flip - beer becomes cloudy and in the last cup you can find a few small deposits. This is not spam, it - brewing time remaining ginger. Beer in moderation carbonized, it is decorated with a small but elegant white foam.
OK chilling the beer appear indoors and boring, but as far as the cup after being Thaw and it reveals a truly bright cass cafe and expressive flavor. To say that beer smells like honey and ginger is the same as to say nothing. Bright aroma of this beer is a complex, interesting and attractive. Along the beer tasted buddies complained that the aroma is too intense and tiring, but for me it did not lack.
Beer smells like all the early summer hint: it's blooming linden, acacia, blooming wild flower meadow and deeper all pulling together the ginger notes. By the way, meadows mentioned accident. During the call, developed a beer brewer Juliet revealed that ginger flavor balance and co bouquet to beer have been added somewhat Citra hops. I wanted to smack myself loudly over his forehead and exclaim, "Ginger and Citra - as I have so far not thought about it ?!". cass cafe Bright, intense and harmonious fragrance. Tasting this beer blinded impossible to neatspėti.
The body is Average, carbonization moderate, so beer impede, but pleasantly fills your mouth with flavor, accompanying with hops and ginger notes aftertaste. I do not like ginger, drink ginger tea and eat traditional ginger candy, which is famous cass cafe for its Scandinavian countries. Therefore, I liked the fact that Ginger is not the dominant flavor of this beer tastes. Alcohol is also not clear.
Original, refreshing and interesting beers, which delights cass cafe its aroma and taste does not load. Such a combination of Lithuania was not yet. Manufacturers argue that it is - a limited batch of beer. I guess that this beer will find its fans and the party will be limited regularly (or at least - periodically) brewed beer. ABV 5.3%. In the near future should appear on store shelves.
By the way, "Lighthouse" beer presentation was the first time. It was interesting to see how the new type of beer delivery. I realized that there is a home without smoke. The official beer sommelier and kitchen chefs presented Nikolaevich Dabrovolskas beer offered their developed food combinations. Beer with honey and ginger, and to the tune of beer dishes that create cass cafe ... with honey and ginger! - And even a few times from improvised scene repeated Nikolaevich.
Evening guests were invited to taste the beer fresh cucumber sticks with honey thyme seasoned wood (in fact, was not with thyme honey and honey with thyme, well, but no matter), matured a piece of salmon with red pepper powder, with pickled ginger and honey and on coals baked pork morsel. For dessert (Ah, what the original surprise!) Was offered a classic honey cake. It would be funny, if not sad. Tasting included combinations of alien stigma. Kazi, and other ŠVYTURYS beer presentations combinations were so ... CHM ... hopeless?
Imagine cass cafe the scenario: let's say that I stepped forward and the only certified sommelier apple juice (read - drink connoisseur who is not only knowledgeable, created as a beverage but also knows how to combine to deliver the most distinctive drink, as it is presented and what food and drink combinations it is appropriate to allow these combinations to recommend to others). Then in the fall I I go to the largest Lithuanian gardener, who picked this year's apple harvest, pressing juice and asked me to create this year's harvest of apple juice and food combinations. cass cafe Following the example of Donato should I create these combinations: snack - fresh

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