Thursday, February 13, 2014

Recent posts you concerned? Resign! / Anner his

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MK Ilan Gilon, Meretz, today laid a bill to limit the tenure of mayors to two consecutive terms. Them, mayors required cooling-off period of one term before being able to run again for the municipal personal chef arena. Currently, the law allows municipalities mayors be elected for another term without restriction. Reality shows that when the number of the offices in the local government is not limited to, various heads of local authorities and regional councils serve extended periods. Current situation is contrary to the basic idea behind the principle of democratic rule, designed on the one hand, allow substitution that brings innovation, fresh breeze and expression of pluralism and on the other, to prevent grip on power, the concentration of power and corrupt government culture. Gillon: "Gapso is not the only case. Map of corruption in local authorities and it also spreads the Interior Committee, headed by MK Miri Regev can not train." "Length of service personal chef is a key component personal chef of involvement in corruption of mayors who control the municipalities and the big money rolls streets. Limit the number of tenures allow supervision and regulation and in the long run will reassure the system, which is constantly dropping. "He added:" Some off thinking mayor is a role for life. Limit the number of tenures put some new system. "
Recent posts you concerned? Resign! / Anner his
Abbas Obama Om Ilan Gilon Efrat Elections 2013 Benjamin Netanyahu Racism public housing Democracy decisions separation of religion and state settlements Zahava Gal public housing law in Jerusalem Israel Laura Wharton Monzifli Mossi Raz Michal Rozin Meretz volunteers access to Nitzan Horowitz powerful Israel Issawi Freij Nube Channel 10 Pension Young Meretz social justice campaigning kibbutzim welfare Russian Shas left the peace process Tomer Reznik public transport Tel Aviv Tamar Zandberg propaganda
Recent articles you concerned? Resign! / Anner his wife led Israel out of the closet / Uri Shmilovits on Shulamit Aloni, why Netanyahu should throw Bennett, passwords separately and acts separately on "has a future" ... and it's all because of the occupation "We do not have a privilege not to be brave." The head of Meretz eulogizing Shulamit Aloni Shulamit Aloni, Israel Prize laureate and former Meretz leader passed away

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