Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sissy and Jack attend the 1977 Academy Awards: Sissy fame, while the reputation of Fisk

However, far more than the term brother in law Jack so simple, but Lynch true gentleman childhood and lifelong friend! ! He himself is also outstanding achievements in the film industry - alone to Terrence Malick for the full five films artistic director (later production design) this. Oh, and there now seems to have become the most popular Lynch movie "Mulholland Drive" (loss I always thought "Blue Velvet" is the most popular -), Production Designer (simply is responsible matthew stymie beard for all visual presentation of the person) is also Jack Fisk.
First with puzzles show you what Jack Fisk dazzling masterpiece: Then let us return to David Lynch was not a young age and his brother in law of Jack Fisk distant ...... because his father worked in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, workplace frequent transfers, David Lynch has a child In the move, a teenager was stabilized in Alexandria, Virginia, the eastern part of the place, and then he was asked to participate in the Boy Scouts and his father eventually received the highest "title" Eagle Scout, lined up to attend the 1961 inauguration of President John F. Kennedy matthew stymie beard ( For more details, see "Lynch On Lynch (Wild at Heart: An Interview with David Lynch," this book).
In 1960, 14-year-old Lynch into the Francis C. Hammond High School, matthew stymie beard and Tong Jisheng John Luton (ie now Jack Fisk) became best friends. His stepfather is another playmate Toby painter named Bushnell Keeler, regarded as Lynch's painting matthew stymie beard teacher. Lynch and Jack loves art share a "studio" (that is, an empty studio with Keeler's back room -) back to back to paint. Weekend, Lynch will go to nearby Washington, DC Corcoran School of the Art painting lessons.
After graduating from high school, the two parted ways. Jack enters the prestigious Cooper Union School of Art in New York (Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art), Lynch entered the Boston Museum Art School (now known as the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston), but read only less than a year . At that time, a German-American matthew stymie beard painter Lyonel matthew stymie beard Feininger son of T. Lux Feininger coached in Boston, he and European painting are linked, then helped Lynch wrote a letter of introduction, recommended him to the Austrian expressionist painter Kokoschka studied.
19-year-old Lynch do not appreciate Kokoschka (but later became one of his most enthusiastic painter), but to get rid of the dull atmosphere of the school, and decided matthew stymie beard to go to Europe to study painting with Jack. Uncle Toby Keeler old classmates help to get tickets on condition that they have to travel to Europe on tour escort a group of rich girl aircraft. They observe in advance of the "Sound of Music" in order to have a concept for Austria. To Fort Dasa Shields, they found that the film's Castle is not in there ...... Kekeshika orz Lynch Interview in Lynch on Lynch Lane recalls: "From the moment we arrived to start discouraging, left but also continue under discouraged "in other interviews, Lynch, expressed accustomed to life in Europe, there is no inspiration to paint, or even start to think of McDonald's. (<- this is not to blame for the Yankees!!).
In the end, they only stayed for 15 days in Europe. Lynch parents had moved to California Walnut Creek, Virginia Lynch returned home only temporary Toby (not free, have helped matthew stymie beard to paint the walls of his family arrived in the rent). Due refused to return to school, the parents refused to give him the cost of living, working him everywhere: art supplies store, construction blueprints printed (Uncle Toby's matthew stymie beard presentation), frame shop, but always quickly fired - because he was always in the morning get up again (<- matthew stymie beard Lynch readme, good and resonance). To this end the frame shop owner gave him shelter Michelangelo specially installed matthew stymie beard a bell, rang the bell every morning to wake him up. Eventually, due to scratch the frame, he was fired. matthew stymie beard
Since then, Lynch became a janitor. In 1965, the Vietnam War was going on, one day early in the morning half past four, Jack appeared at his door and told him to accept the conscription examination. Lynch recalls, but for Jack to tell him to get up, he certainly overslept that day. College matthew stymie beard students can be exempt from military service, but according to Lynch's argument, the United States and not one of them students, so Jack still received the notice. On buses bound for medical station, Jack talked about himself in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts is now studying (Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts). Later that year, after Lynch took samples of paintings, his father went to Philadelphia to raise tuition fees for admission to the school, and Jack moved into a place to live (as if it is broken matthew stymie beard very very cheap apartment).
When Jack Fisk is not a beard so long: Lynch is this addition, the Boston Museum School and the Pennsylvania Academy of the United States and Canada Independent School of Art Design Alliance (AICAD) members are elite oh (sell Meng shameful!). matthew stymie beard This is the 1805 founding of Pennsylvania, matthew stymie beard is the oldest matthew stymie beard American Academy of Art, affiliated museum collections famous matthew stymie beard 19-20 century American art. Later, Lynch found this school is willing to accept him, a part of the reason is that the artist Toby secretly for his stepfather Bushnell Keeler said a lot of good things.
After obtaining the American Film Institute (AFI = American Film Institute) funded the completion of the third floor in their own short film, "grandmother", Lynch was accepted AFI Film Education Centre. In 1970, Lynch wives and female, with Jack Fisk, sound engineer Alan Splet hopped along Trackbacks car to leave Philadelphia, came to the movie capital of the West Coast - Los Angeles, embarked on their "journey": Lynch's first feature film in preparation "Eraserhead", Jack Fisk is involved in other films set scene, props, becoming an Art Director (art direction).
1972, Jack Fisk heard with the AFI learning Terrence matthew stymie beard Malick is Choupai debut "Badlands (Badlands)", the content is Charlie Starkweather juvenile homicide fifties. Malik is also a halfway decent, before entering the school of philosophy AFI (translated a book Heidegger's writings), and gave the "New Yorker" and other newspapers wrote draft. Jack is very interested in that era of spontaneously begin collecting matthew stymie beard background information, Malik invited to meet him after I heard that the two sides hit it off, Malik asked him to serve as artistic director.
When Colorado shooting Badlands, Jack Fisk of actress Sissy Spacek love at first sight, "I've never seen such a cute little thing! Still red hair too!" Said he, "if that is the theme for her like a man, I will detail put into all sorts of thoughts, into a drawer filled into a variety of things to take to share my understanding matthew stymie beard of the story "with her. Now, he believes that "as an actor Cheerview" really is a good way: by listening to them and actors for the role of communication and understanding, the more familiar role, the more you can understand the role of what Language Environment.
Sissy and Jack attend the 1977 Academy Awards: Sissy fame, while the reputation of Fisk's followed by "Phantom of Paradise" and "witch Carrie" (both 德帕马 piece children), "West Side Story Love Day" and flourishing. Eighties, he turned to his film, the actress took to wife "inch of grass The Raggedy Man" (1981), "Blue Violet Violets Are Blue" (1986) produced such a small art film, its style deep by Malik affected. But he admitted, "I do art direction is stronger than the director."
It is said to help his wife Sissy took finalized, matthew stymie beard they also provide some financial assistance. Thanx credits can see their names. At that time Jack has just grown a beard, Lynch painted some gum shield beard on his chin, to create a burn effect. Finished home, Jack found it difficult to remove something, is preparing to shave off the beard even together, may His wife said he likes his beard, not allowed to shave, and he can only be a long soak in hot water a little pulling pain Later that stuff ...... out with Jack Lynch often quipped, "will never forgive you in this matter."
In 1977, Lynch and Jack's sister Mary married, my brother said, unknown Bailin Qi ye get what they think to marry longtime matthew stymie beard friend's sister. Once married two couples lived in the same street Charlottesville, Virginia. With her sister's marriage and divorce, did not affect the friendship with his brother. They did not cooperate, but for many years in the film industry. 1982 Jack said in an interview, They have long found it best to be "friends, but do not cooperate," "Compared to collaborate on a project, we are still engaged in different projects at the same time would be better," as has been painting fellow man on between two people competing psychological counterparts somehow it (perhaps unilaterally think, Jack admitted). Film director Jack felt he needed to follow the whole crew envisaged "picture", but he is probably too familiar with Lynch, not necessarily convinced gas service to do so.
In the 1990s, Jack gradually put aside concerns. Finished "Twin Peaks", the Lynch and Mark Frost launched an awareness is not high, Episode 7 series "On The Air", Jack Fisk directed one episode. "Mr. Shi Cuite Story The Straight Story" (1999) marked the old formal cooperation in occupational: Jack served as production designer, Sissy plays the actor's daughter, rural theme really is this couple signs. Lynch followed Jack to play next film "Mulholland Drive" (2001), the production design.
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