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Uncle 30 01/19/14 13:12

News1 | Ministers approved - only one main long
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Ministerial Committee on Legislation prompted today - by the Chairman of the Committee, the Minister of Justice to approve the proposal to cancel the duplication and the service of Chief Rabbis of Israel "respect for tradition from each one of us should come hand in hand with sectarianism, we must stop the sectarian division outdated" meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Legislation les roches / Agenda and decisions
The Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved (Sunday, 19/01/14) les roches the bill of Minister Naftali Bennett and Deputy Minister Eli Ben Dahan cancel the duplication and the service of Chief Rabbis of Israel. In order to create a situation where Israel will be a chief, regardless of its origin congregation (Sephardic or Ashkenazi). Chief Rabbi will head the Council of the Chief Rabbinate. In addition, les roches the new law will separate the rabbinate and the court system which is an independent judicial body. On - the proposal the president of the Rabbinical Court and Vice-President shall be appointed from among the judges of the Supreme Rabbinical Court similar to the position of President of the Supreme Court and the deputy. The - According to the proposal, the existing situation, in which the president les roches plays a wide-ranging public, is inconsistent with the concept of specificity of office of judicial officers. In addition, currently Chief Rabbi appointed president les roches of the Rabbinical Court even if the rule has no capacity to serve as a judge. In addition, the head of nursing court appointed only from among fathers Court and by being selected Dayan Rabbi City, similar to the president of the court. If the law is approved, it does not apply to the Chief Rabbis serving and municipal rabbis serving chiefs of the Rabbinical Court. All of these will continue to apply the provisions of the previous law until the end of their tenure. "One long one people," said Minister Bennett with the approval of the proposal the Committee of Ministers. "As I promised the public a year and a half, the ministerial legislative committee has approved the proposal of Chief Rabbi of Israel. Like the army, as in the synagogue, as in life., les roches I am convinced that the decision will contribute to strengthening public confidence in the Chief Rabbinate of Israel with those who are trying to weaken les roches it, and with those who are trying les roches to weaken the Jewish identity of the only Jewish state, "he said, adding that the move is done now after consultation with major rabbis. Rarely acknowledged Bennett Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, with whom he has been managing time well-publicized confrontations. Livni, chairman of the ministerial committee for legislation, said this morning that the country where the president serves one, President Supreme Court Supreme One, the head - one government and army chief of staff, there is no justification for doubling the role of chief rabbi. "We have to stop antiquated les roches sectarian division among the people, and bring rapprochement," Livni said. According to her, coming to Israel long single unite the various sections of society, leading rabbinical provides a service to all the Jews - Israel, its many committees. "Respect for tradition from each one of us should come hand in hand with sectarianism", the words for. Date: 19/01/2014 | Updated: 01/19/2014
Uncle 30 01/19/14 13:12
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