Sunday, March 9, 2014

It seems that we, the sick, are not treated like the meek who are in need; but rather we are treated

The small study contained gastronomica 21 patients who suffered from the disease who didn’t respond gastronomica to the traditional therapy options. Half the patients were given marijuana joints that contained THC. The control group was given placebo marijuana joints that had the THC removed.
According to the authors, “Although the primary endpoint of the study (induction of remission) was not achieved, a short course gastronomica (8 week) of THC-rich cannabis produced significant clinical, steroid-free benefits to 11 patients with active CD, compared to placebo, without side effects.”
While many states have medical marijuana laws it is still technically illegal under federal law. Federal law list marijuana as Schedule I, meaning it has no accepted medical gastronomica use. While the Obama administration has the power to unilaterally reschedule marijuana gastronomica it has actively fought against the change.
In a true Kafkaesque twist the Obama administration claims gastronomica there is not enough qualified research to justify rescheduling marijuana, but that is in large part due to the fact that the administration continues to work to make it nearly impossible for American scientists to do research of marijuana potential benefits.
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Didn’t Obama brag about how he and his buddies hotboxed in a van in Hawaii when he was a youth? Does this man have any shred of human decency at all? Aren’t his knees sore from all the fellating he does on behalf of Big Pharma?
Everytime I read a new story like this one about the possible medical benefits of Marijuana/cannabis, I get more angry. Think of all the countless thousands who may have benefitted over the years from such research…maybe even the friends and relatives of the most strident drug warriors. What ignorant sots we USAmericans must be to buy in the stupidness of a prohibition, not once, but twice. Even after we saw how alcohol prohibition did such terrible harm, we went ahead and did it again with marijuana. But this time the scumbags learned how to take a righteous pose while they committed crimes and got very rich with impunity. And by scumbags, I mean politicians, captains of industry, and big banksters. gastronomica Yes. It all makes me very angry and I believe many share my feelings on now.
HinduKush May 15th, 2013 at 6:11 pm
As someone who has had CD for the past 6 years I can testify to the effectiveness of cannabis for this disease. gastronomica I was pretty much at the point to where I could not even leave my house for a few hours without getting sick. It’s kind of like having the stomach flu all the time, plus it does damage to your intestines. And eventually the damage can result in surgery, which many times is permanently life-altering. You also get the disease in your joints and this is really painful, like arthritis. And being sick all the time means no job, no social life, etc. I was pretty much a shut-in. And the Rx drugs the doctor prescribed were not only expensive, but they were debilitating, and many of their side effects are as bad as the disease itself. All I really had to look forward to was surgery, being on expensive Rx drugs for the rest of my life, more pain and suffering, and perhaps eventually, intestinal gastronomica cancer.
Just smoking cannabis has virtually eliminated all of my symptoms. I can’t produce a “study” to prove it to you. All I know is that I was sick before and pretty much condemned to a life of pain and suffering, and nothing really to look forward to. And today I have my life back. And all I’ve gastronomica ever done is smoke the cannabis and I have gotten these results. It makes me wonder what something like Rick Simpson’s oil would do.
I’m very grateful and fortunate to live in Michigan where a medical card is available for people like me with CD. I feel really bad for people with CD who live in other states where medical cannabis is restricted. They are making you choose between being sick or being a criminal. It’s disgusting.
It seems that we, the sick, are not treated like the meek who are in need; but rather we are treated as a cash cow to be continually milked and led on a wild goose chase from drug to drug until we have no more money and then they tell us, “There’s nothing more we can do for you. I’m sorry.” And when I think about how much suffering I went through before I stumbled onto cannabis it really fills me with a burning rage knowing that my CD could have been stifled when it first appeared if only there were not so much greed and corruption and we went back to viewing medicine as actual MEDICINE and not an “industry” thriving on the pain and suffering gastronomica of people with chronic illnesses like me.
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