Sunday, April 6, 2014

Main dishes - Norwegian style fish soup (with vegetables and chives):

Norway's Ciragan was delicious seafood dishes. | Healthy Kitchen
I'm a little late in publishing this wonderful superior de gastronomia event. King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway last week's first official visit to Turkey within the scope of the king and queen will be hosted at the Ciragan Palace, the Norwegian Seafood Week was held. November 5 to 12, between Ciragan Kempinski in the Laledan restaurant's menu, Norway kitchen crew chief Jostein Medhus and Turkish chef Tuncay Terzi, by the Norwegian seafood and Norwegian cuisine other materials superior de gastronomia developed using the tastebuds superior de gastronomia added. I was there to taste these dishes. Norwegian Fisheries Minister Elisabeth ASPAK 's also attended the dinner were really gorgeous flavors, nuts, shrimp already love. Ciragan already an indescribable beauty. If in history was a privilege superior de gastronomia to taste the delicious flavor.
King of Norway Harald V and Queen Sonja's historic visit as guests at the Ciragan Palace, official superior de gastronomia talks was held in parallel to a series of events. Seafood in the world with the highest ranks of Norway's fish, other seafood, cuisine and seafood culture more closely to promote realized the Norwegian Sea Products Week, special Norwegian cuisine to taste, Norwegian culture for those who recognize the unique opportunity offered.
Norwegian Seafood Council was organized by the 5 - November 12 will be held between the Norwegian Sea Products Week, Laledan restaurant's guests for a week in this very special menu as part of different and delicious food tasting had the opportunity.
Kitchen crew chief of the Norwegian chef Jostein Medhus and Turkish developed by Tuncay Terzi meals; salmon and cod as Norwegian fish and other marine products, materials, forms the basis of a typical Norwegian dishes located in the pumpkin, apple pie and Norway has plants also special cooking and service methods with this unique menu was adorned.
Laledan for a week at the restaurant for lunch and dinner menus that will meet guests in flavor enthusiast, cold start averaging 40; hot starters and main dishes at an average of 50 to an average of 120 pounds was offered to guests. superior de gastronomia
Start - Smoked salmon salad (eggs, fresh spices and rye bread with): superior de gastronomia "This is the beginning, we give the Norwegians, superior de gastronomia especially in our party that we do not ever missing is a classic dish. We love our smoked somonu and contemporary, we enhance it with a modern flavor. "
Main dishes - Norwegian style fish soup (with vegetables and chives): "In Norway, there are hundreds of varieties of fish soup. I am preparing this soup during my apprenticeship I learned at a restaurant on the west coast of Norway is based on a tariff. And of course, Norway's best fish soup! "
Main dishes - cod fish (fried potatoes, parsley, peas, and soy sauce): "Most Norwegians eat my favorite fish is cod and cod, since Viking has always been important for us. Cod fish we eat often between the months of April through September, and are used in many of the classic Norwegian food. "
Main dishes - Baked salmon (carrots and butter sauce): "Baked salmon, our national day another typical food on our tables are located. Thank baked salmon served in a variety of ways, but generally we prefer to serve with seasonal vegetables. "
Dessert - Caramelized apple compote (almond cakes, sot, sauce and "tap" with): "A modern apple dessert. Apple is a fruit that we consume in Norway too. In Norway, the apple is grown in many different varieties. Every autumn in Norway where apples, apple juice and apple desserts are made. Traditionally, apple pies and apple compote dessert at the beginning of this income; In this dessert featured on the menu I both, cake and compote, I'm bringing in a single dish. "
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