Monday, April 28, 2014

Refresh 2014/02/20 14:18

[Family Day] If you love, I'm Chef like!
Refresh 2014/02/20 14:18
If you love, I'm Chef like! For employees love to prepare food warm Contemporary Card Commercial Capital, (the modern card) only program that provides a unique corporate culture. I'm Chef is right. aldai I'm Chef Recipe of the Hyundai Card gloves made of star chef status of precooked food offered to employees, employees are easily cooked at home program created to help you eat. Delicious food with your family can enjoy I'm Chef who has been well received by our employees got know. Since last year, thanks to the hot response, as well as a base to expand headquarters in Daegu, Ulsan, Busan and elsewhere are also implemented. To celebrate Valentine's Day this year I'm Chef is ready, aldai I'd like a special menu. Some menus are prepared with it? Excited, the time of receipt of food chef! Time work not much time left, I'm Chef winning events basement modern card-house restaurant employees gathered up one by one. For employees to progress in a number of events, I'm Chef competition is exceptionally high pride I'd like to. Again, select the event that 150 people aldai have applied for 520 employees have shown a high competition.
I'm Chef open the box and look at the package, a piece of modern card details are compelling documentation. This dish is very nice recipe for employees indeyo unfamiliar. If you are cooking a recipe to see, cooking is also stunning employees not at all seem to be able to stand on the table. The I'm Chef is conducted as a special Valentine's Day, Happy Valentine's Day recipe on the back of the phrase is striking.
I'm Chef winners will receive a package for box curled. Family, and lovers of good food to choose from, you think the employees' aldai full face tingle. Advanced to the right as much as Valentine's Day, this I'm Chef events, as well as the family story was sent to a boyfriend also had many employees. The temple is a modern commercial ansoyoung existing HR team to apply several times, but did not win, this time harder to get one good meal a delicious dressing boyfriend wants them to send the winning story is conveyed doeeotdamyeo nice comment. I'm aldai Chef people around the employees' pride in modern cards directly to one of the group show, I can explain popular among the staff. Actually read the stories one by one, because the selected winner won I'm Chef Guaranteed to be instantly filled with sincerity is important to the story. At the same time touching aldai and devotion you put the story would likely win, this Valentine's Day I'm Chef employees have not won a staring look at the next opportunity I hope. I'm Chef happy to start a home from the staff think that the modern cards are imbued with the philosophy of the corporate culture. Over I'm Chef enjoyable loved ones and I hope you can see ^ ^

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