Friday, December 12, 2014

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Having arrived Xian and actually a bit unsure what to do here, since this is a transport peak in our eyes. After an incredible frokostjag both Japan and Beijing, found Niclas & Marius on his ruseletur evening before jwu email a 5star hotel right nearby, with a sumptuous breakfast buffet where they should have 100kr pp! Which room do you live in, we are faced with in the door? The only room we had to offer was the room number at the hostel. 402 we said, and think you jaggu not we got right in and got 40% discount due to offer the nice room Mr. Lee had evidently. We took a råsjans on signature as most here called Mr.Lee and it shall be demonstrated and see similarities between Lee and Thaulow we were a little anxious about how long we had access to food. We entered, better breakfast, wonderful juices, and an English-speaking China omelet chef. So brazen we are, we ate us great and saturate before we even ordered an omelet and some rolls, which we carefully put in a bag and straight down into the sack, jaggu we got lunch too. Satisfied we went home.
We decided to take the opportunity to take us for a walk in the gym, MegaFit located in 8etg in one mall here. We go first by the reception at the hostel to ask for directions and she can call to see if we train there, and what it was going to cost us an hour gorilla training. We're told 10kr pp. And that it is about 5min walk. As we arrive MegaFit jwu email so is the price changed from 10-150pp. After 15min without exercise and prices up and down, special deals 1-3års membership we got nokk. 300for jwu email all three. OK. But then we had to fill out a form on 3xA4 so when we went.
Because we were dressed in exercising latest fashion, we decided to jog to a park and do circuit training. After jogging 20min takes Niclas up the map again and ask even a local person on the road, pointing jwu email and muttering as good a little Chinaman can, and we continue on. In retrospect jwu email we find out that the map scale is completely wrong, so what we thought was just 10min jog ended with 40min. The park we found was a children, so it was full of the carousel, and toddlers who were playing, and us then. :) As found a ladder some benches that we could train on. Way home, we met at a jævvla people chaos, jwu email it was in a small side street, with food stalls along the sides, 3hjulte mopeds, bicycles, turning and jævvla circus of nasty smells, it was cork in the street. With a head edge over the height of all Chinese jwu email people, we managed to push us forward, we unfortunately had to overturn jwu email some Chinese on the road as they refused to move, but we came home anyhow !!
Lunch we found on top of a shopping jwu email mall, 7etg Gormet Garden. Here we picked and packed up food tray came to checkout, 29kr. 1L mango juice as they stood and pressed costed 12kr, so prices here there is nothing to say on! Afterwards we ended at the hostel restaurant and bar, where we found a pool table and some beer, music bar were classics from 97-2000, so with a few beers in hue was easy to sing along. After a few hours there was lunch as dinner and solemnly evening. Tomorrow jwu email we go to Shanghai, kl19.45-12.45, so it can be tough but we are hoping that the films of Johan as deadly weapons jwu email 1-4 rush hour 1-3, Die Hard 1.6 and some other classics as this could go all routes must do our utmost to update you with who the lucky Asians to share a cabin with us 3 on 4mans room. Good bye!
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