Monday, January 26, 2015

17:57 - Court reinstates former deputy director of Tirana Police 17:43 - Zaimina rebel (PHOTO NEWS)

17:57 - Court reinstates former deputy director of Tirana Police 17:43 - Zaimina rebel (PHOTO NEWS) 17:37 - Shilegov: No secret meetings Zaev-Gruevski 17:35 - attacked cfa app two Albanian Brezovica Macedonia 17:28 - Neymar, Ronaldo should be punished 17:25 - Over 33 thousand signatures against energy price 17:21 - Enroll 10 thousand illegal buildings in Ferizaj 17:18 - realizes the challenge, Soni shocks to the photo in Instagram 17: 17 - Olta Gixhari disobeys her mother, has evidence (PHOTO NEWS) 17:04 - Syrup with pine needles ideal defender of lung 17:00 - VV getting ready for nationwide protest 16:52 - Transformation of models before and after makeup (PHOTO NEWS) 16:46 - New York Times: Albanians are the most beautiful in Europe 16:37 - Black Cats "symbol cfa app of evil" (PHOTO NEWS)
Subscribe cfa app for news by e-mail: E-mail: Now, check your email and confirm your subscription! Albanian government as prime Ottoman emperor, for a period of about 150 six years. Albanian Prime Ministers plum osmanve Anatolia, Constantinople, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Saudi, Syria, Hungary, Crimea, Crete etc. So the job done and minds of Albanians, rose Ottoman Empire. This is an accepted fact that the Turks and historiantq own study period t kt history. 18-19 t century, there were many Albanians in the range of prime and seen that the empire had terrible slaughter that Vun n t ekzistencne question her. Yes t was not for some western countries to which wanted to keep for kundrapesh to Russia, patjetrq will have rn. These two centuries Albanians were without power, but had gained independence from the sultan, and to govern cfa app for his account in some countries, as in Arabia, Syria, Egypt, etc. / Here Albanian vizier Empire 39: 1 Gjedik Ahmet Pasha Premier Empire Albanian cfa app origin. He has been the prime ministers from 1475 to 1479 years. Kohss during his government's military flots an t, managed to straddle large pjesnm t t Crimea, which blocked trade routes to Evropsprn east. Q managed to win the fight against Venice, imposing a peace agreement to favorable, according s CILS Venice will osmanve t was passed all the islands of the Aegean, p Apart Krets and Corfu and paying an annual tribute empire. N 1478 the Ottoman army expeditions ndrmorn plakitse in Austrian territory. He refused to take part in the invasion of Shkodra, and for this was dismissed cfa app from the post of prime minister. Premiers had meritnpr military success, because they were military operations commander t prgjigjeshin the head before the sultan in case of failures. 2 Daut Pasha By Sami Frasher, is Albanian origin, taken prisoner by the Sultan when he was Children. N due to aftsive and his talent t t born, n Sultan Mehmed II Kohn Pruning of Rumelia and Anatolia bejlerbe. N In 1483, Sultan Bayezid n Kohn, taking the dog bejlerbe Anatolia, passed cfa app in the post of prime minister and managed to successfully navigate punterndsishme to the Ottoman state. N 1496, left the office, and after two years died. 3 Haim prime ministers Ahmet Pasha Albanian origin from the years 1496-1514. During his government's nnshtroi Herzegovina and ndrmori several expeditions plakitse in Hungary, Austria, Poland. Although it was established peace with Venice, he still had some strategic points to which lakmoheshin by Ottoman, therefore continued fighting, mostly in the sea. Ottoman fleet won a historic victory in betejne Leopantos in Corinth, against Venice with t flotss which had joined Hungary, France and Spain, t blessed by the papacy. Venice victory over old war brought no t great but introduced vetmu not afraid evropianve q t deal with the Ottomans, and on the other, brought superiority cfa app fleet s Ottoman against western flots. In this time, the entire Asia vogluprfshi in the Ottoman state. During his government's began a long war with the shah of Iran, because he had invaded Iraq, Armenia, Kurdistan and the Asia krkonte Vogl of osmanve at home. This fight took profanity, because the Iranians were Shi'ite and Sunni Turks. Prfundimisht, Iran was defeated in the year 1514 as far as entering the Ottoman state in its territories to Iran and Morne large a portion of t arkss state. He's reached that during his government the power to defeat medieval cfa app Venice marine, and after itself ksaj Iran, which had m Excess zotrime than Ottomans. Prfundimisht, Asia minor, during the government, s ub the osmanve him, that will was the center of the Turkish nation. So Albanian territories occupied history where

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