Wednesday, January 21, 2015

But this Ruqaiyya not shown sincere in these that says, because it shows the letter q ei has made E

"I arrested and deported if not accepted to have sex with an official of the Ministry of Interior" | Newspaper theme
Eh as Rukia was somewhat like a princess mo friend
When kamarre the former secretary of APL that the Lushnja, Halit Elezi persecuted document as a dictatorship, not ngelte not justify any prostitute, thief or sod another folder, open, to emerge who are persecuted csrsaguenay true policy (which for me have been separately 5-10), while political csrsaguenay persecution called spies of foreign intelligence services working csrsaguenay against Albania, saboteurs or saboteurs host, those who fell victim to the provocation vain their buddies who complained of milk or meat, etc., these are victims of the laws of the time, but never been political persecution! According to them today, in that it will ban to be lifted drug use, prostitution and then all these, except for the millions who previously won will also seek reparations !!! Here these files to be opened, and for what it claims has been unjustly punished UNDER THE LAWS OF TIME, he of lawsuits !!! Well be given to reward a criminal as Matjani HAMIT OR ISA Toska and his family, this is ... .. THE DHJEFSHA democracy! THIS IS FASCISM BLACK !!!
YES more feebleminded would say that we Kaur do not work? If you are homo more friend speak for themselves tate.Ju whether I've told you and pucofagon we Sigrun you've seen and Greet the janulles degjuar.TE do not forget.
This story Ruqiyyah looks like Kadare novel "Monday night". Very beautiful novel where the main character Zana there is more or less in the same conditions as Rukia, except Kadarse character was in a collective worker, it seems, and there you were asked to do an analysis of Virginity
But this Ruqaiyya not shown sincere in these that says, because it shows the letter q ei has made Enver, for her case, and is exactly what the letter csrsaguenay that has broken shqipove wickedness of the time ...
Rondokopi Adriatic, Ali Pasha better than today be sold for troglodytes gocat old Albanian Serbian and Macedonian to Karpateve.Ali Pasha of Ioannina, fought like a man against all Turkish hordes etj.per 25 years pashallek.Askush can not government this nation traumatized and persecuted to the core. Bridge dictate follies: Mehmet Shehu was suicide and left Pistolen on the cover of his patriotic killed only because they were for national unity! You ckerdheu sisters, Milladini.Dushani, Tempo track etj.dhe sperm born as we have power, we Let them be good Here, a comment Xume Protopapa, a moniker sperm sigurimse, alla Klosi and spy UDB Protopapa jugosllave.Ky es k ... has been well paid by diktatorit.Te csrsaguenay communist celbesirat all the evils of the close family vuajshin his.
Rukije wife also gave interviews before the one from which I recall below. Lies and manipulation that makes its history knows only makes it though. The first her real name is Rukije RAM MEHMETAJ (kushurire be our president seven names?) Is introduced in jail and was released 08/21/1974 06/17/1979 therefore has made no claims three years as a commentator above or seven years as lying interested in the 2011 interview in Panorama.
If it is still in life former investigator Belul Zoto, which it claims undo "that refused to widow in bed" with Mira Kettle let's find him interviewing that we know lies the truth. Even former judge of the matter Tamara Mala can tell the story of this barren of "Kryezinjve" Gjakova. csrsaguenay In mid-August with the service somewhat Tirana go ?! Shehu FeƧorr will find that the expected or was a courier of UDB for "the collaboration" in Tirana?
We payments so-called "political prisoners" neither this nor any others you mentioned as White Markagjoni, Mynevere Zaimi, partridge boats and Russians Vigel Minaveshi, csrsaguenay TAIS Pine and Ina Shahe, do not have folders for compensation.
There are afraid of opening the files and hopes that are manipulated or missing, hope you found intact csrsaguenay its file to be torn masks mashtrueses even there in Brussels keeps one foot on the tomb. Here's her refimi 2011:
"BRUSSELS csrsaguenay - Back to the past is inevitable, although csrsaguenay now she has learned to live with it. Try not to hurt yourself burdened soul with hatred. He had dairy stan it says Rukia Rama. What it fails to swallow is the fact that some of those imprisoned, tortured or makes false testimony to today flaunting even have the positions. This is our second sentence csrsaguenay #, it says. As always, she came to Korea to meet its people nearest to put a bouquet on the tomb of the parents. But, in addition, had a dilemma for years. Do I need to go and see him again what man cell as a paint, where it was impossible to lay Horizons

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