Saturday, January 24, 2015

To speak with passion length for things j

Only 28 years old, thanks born talent, mind open to anything new, love and respect for each food and its ingredients, techniques and methods learned j&w in years, today is a coveted chef. Runs cuisine restaurant "Antico Arco", considered one of the best of Rome. Restaurant which has a long history, where completion is part of a group, to add, to improve the work others have done before him. Because no respect for the work of others to show modest and down to earth
Conclusion is tall and healthy as befits a chef. Fytyrëqeshur bright eyed, the conversation and candid j&w as a child. Only 28 years old and is Executive chef at one of Rome's most exclusive restaurants, "Antico Arco".
To speak with passion length for things j&w to heart, for his family here in Rome, parents, brothers and grandparents in Albania, healthy cuisine, organic agriculture, for orchards, for land, for dairy and livestock.
Conclusion comes from a family that livestock farming and healthy food has always appreciated, is the last of five children. Has spent 14 years in Taskin childhood where parents and brothers today. In 1996, Deng came to Rome, at the sister. Although the new Shijak is removed, showing j&w the joy and emotion that his father helped to plant trees or animals. Because her father, loving land of cattle, in the 90s has taken land, has opened a dairy and is taken and continues to deal with them. And for as long as he lived with the family, although still small, working completing j&w his arm.
Has just arrived in Rome, has been working, always in the kitchen shows it "because cherished Construction can not worked" and can call without fear chef since he was sixteen. Originally called as dishwasher "but understood immediately that I was not on the job, when they came and asked me repeatedly how to do this or that, the start as assistant cook". He knew where to place his hands, j&w as expected, to clean, a mixture of species, vegetables, cheeses and meats.
There is a genuine school kitchen, which does not think are very useful, but has attended dozens of conferences, internships, in France, Spain, Italy, in which learns more, not just new recipes, but combinations possible ingredients, j&w new methods and techniques of conservation, use, "building" and presentation of dishes. Shows how diligently with liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the food surface (within remain as is), can "build" a sour, just like ours but that submits the most beautiful, like a sculpture, melt in the mouth.
So thanks innate talent, mind open to anything new, love and respect for each food and its ingredients, techniques and methods learned in years, today is a coveted chef. Runs cuisine restaurant j&w "Antico Arco", considered one of the best of Rome. Restaurant which has a long history, where completion is part of a group, to add, to improve the work others have done before him. Because there is respect for others to show modest and down to earth. "I never intended to put her foot against what others have built up before I came. I have become part of a story to move it forward "means candidly. He even calls himself lucky to have chosen among many, many chefs.
Is happy with everything achieved not only at work, but also in life, here in Rome. He speaks passionately about his fiancée, daughter several months, for Italy "childhood dream, the gate to the world". Insists on the fact that Albanians and Italians are alike. He does not distinguish any difference, he never felt like a fish without water, says that the Romans have bujtur warmly.
"In Albania j&w still not ready for top quality restaurants. I regret that there has not begun to assess tradition j&w ". There is no kind of nostalgia but preserves past inside. j&w "In Albania Communism killed gastronomic traditions. In the village probably, defrauded in some way, we had cattle, some land. The father slaughtered cattle, dairy did, and I little helps ".
Gjepali conclusions: No not cook'm not 100% because the kitchen never changes, and you need to match the requirements and tastes, to grow professionally. Let's take the example of Italy, are 12 years of work as a chef and I understand that the requirements have changed: if eaten many years ago to fill the stomach, now increasingly has new requirements, and not just related to taste but ingredients, calories. I see now that when I explain better j&w attendance, a hall manager

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