Wednesday, January 28, 2015

This year, that first day, I lived with concern to escape quickly from the environment where cows g

Tourist in hell Shengjin | RESO
There are some days I am back from the beach rather disappointed cake decorating classes Shengini. This year I paid a flat for 15 days stay. The money I gave prepaid, cake decorating classes as the owner and the other owners have long understood that these beaches vacationers finds no peace and proper service, instead finds dirt, ignorance, noise, infections, abuse of prices and quality of food and up to the lack of lights and water.
This year, that first day, I lived with concern to escape quickly from the environment where cows grazed and mrizonin near the tents of vacationers. I left the beach, where only cows clean the site of watermelon and banana bark while throwing papers and communication over the place of wind lifted by slamming in my face and the other vacationers.
Since the first day I went, I was impressed by the construction of multi-storey buildings in the sand of the sea coast, a serious crime against nature and the future of tourism in the area and the entire coast of the country. Sunny pine planted completely disappeared and been replaced by multi-storey houses with a chaotic sequence and architecture.
These palaces are built very close to each other, the distances are not respected nor the most basic rules, this building so ugly and intervention has ever this beautiful gem of the Albanian coast and nature.
In the place where I stayed the inconspicuous small hotels, the buildings are a përçudnim other hand, are a different view of the coast ugly, are built with different architectures, no harmonious and functional
Besides cows and pigs strolling through the tents and beach facilities, a major concern cake decorating classes remains the arrival of Roma and peasants during the afternoon and stay in clusters with 20 people in a tent, thus becoming a concern for us that we had come to get some peace and relaxation.
Their stay in clusters associated with shouts and noise, with vulgarism and puns, which irritated us immensely. Even worse was the night when out the window, often heard shouting, scolding blows with each other vacationers. More on these disgusting scenes, actors were mountaineers from Mirdita, Shkodra, Tropojan Mat, Dibra etc., Who, after drinking cake decorating classes brandy or play billiards of showing teeth and pistols each other.
Standing in the sand of the sea is almost impossible, the cause is established filth and lack of cleaning the sand for a long time. Unfortunately in this area and other areas has created the habit of hiding the apple pieces, pieces cake decorating classes of bread, bottles of shell, bone, letters etc., In the sand where vacationers stay.
It struck me one night when a shop owner told us that "book that I'm the cook call," when I realized that as a chef works simultaneously on both local and vacationers should stop or local mortgage stood as the fight pasta .
While in other local-preference command pizzas our waiter brought us the bill with a price higher than the given menu bar, ruse of use, abuse, ignorance and profit taking undeserved stress factor. These were the reasons that forced them to interrupt Shngjin holidays.
Perhaps for all my life will not be the last error for the holidays on the beaches filled with dirt, noise and lack of security, people must understand that tourists, cake decorating classes vacationers is king, be better understood once the tourist is victim or fish that fall into the net of those who have built their businesses cake decorating classes in this area and other local beaches. This state, this low level service cake decorating classes removes more and more holidaymakers and local and foreign tourists.
I was impressed that everywhere on houses cake decorating classes built were written the words "sold by mortgage", "began sales" etc. All say: "come Kosovars to buy", "would come the Germans Russians have more money", "you have to see how much it will increase the value of their" etc.
While the reality is quite different, there are years that dropped the pace of sales, most of the palaces and Studio apartments are empty throughout the year, on the cultural level will decrease even more the number of buyers and their seasonal users.
No one throws money to live near the cow dung, feces nor city, nor the waitresses who abuse and steal the pockets of tourists, nor the sand that is cleaned once a month, people have other alternatives best of me free in Corfu, Turkey, Montenegro and Croatia.
There goes flat in a place where no manure cleaned in a place where people pollute the nature and violate state law and good neighborliness, not purchased the property in a place where you feel violated, which looks stressed by watching how people hate and eat each other instead

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