Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Corporatism existed for controlling interests cfa 2013 antagonistic classes but there were improvem

For those who experienced the BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the no doubts that the April 25, sooner or later, would always happen, Portugal could not fail to accompany climate change manifesting itself throughout Europe.
Mrs Raquel Coelho - "Few are the times that coverage to any initiative of my party to be passed cfa 2013 in full, there is always an omission of organizations and people involved cfa 2013 in our complaints, especially when it comes to corruption. Journalists cfa 2013 are constantly forced to to self-censorship in fear of some process for libel, the same can happen to an ordinary citizen to make an accusation in a blog or on social networks, or even a deputy who despite his parliamentary immunity does not escape the grasp of justice ace if is not installed on the side of power "
The High Schools, Schools (Technical, Commercial cfa 2013 and Industrial - closed after April 25) and the Universities existing were full of students from all social classes and ideologies, many with scholarships given by Government.
The influence of the Church in the State was especially prevalent in legislation on abortion, divorce, euthanasia, pornography, etc.., cfa 2013 Taking into account the importance of traditions and rules related to "moral laws"
"The public petition demanding that runs on the Internet to reduce from 230 to 180 MPs in Parliament is close to reaching the 85 000 signatures" - i newspaper, February cfa 2013 13, 2013
Corporatism existed for controlling interests cfa 2013 antagonistic classes but there were improvements in working conditions, establishing some rules in the relationship between employer cfa 2013 and employee through the National Labor Statute of Guilds, the Houses of People and Fishermen and cited 'national unions bodies, under the watchful eye of the state. cfa 2013
The 'Schools' union, communist (linked to PCP) and Catholic (output of Catholic Action), provided much of the leaders who in 1974 took control of the apparatus inherited from corporatism.
Now "who can strike and not who should or who has reason to it." Strikes are subverting the role of trade unions in defense of corporate rights, putting the state at your service - stevedores, pilots of TAP, Judges, CP and other equally powerful ...
The large-scale CP beats the average remaining heads of state enterprises, which stands at 60. A total of 3,213 employees in the dependence of these frames of railway carrier, there is an average of 16.4 employees per head.
Last year, the traffic revenue decreased one million euros (to 211 million euros) with the loss of 11.4% of passengers, who "was not unconnected with the high number of strikes cfa 2013 that occurred throughout the year, with a special meaning in the last quarter
Had no access to professional careers designated primarily for men and Diplomacy, Judiciary, Politics, Military, the nurses and employees of the air, they were not allowed to marry, a teacher could only do so with permission published in the Official Gazette and someone who did not earn less than she.
Currently all people have access to health care and maternal care from the beginning of pregnancy.
The fires were rare, although men smoke too much and lie butts to the ground, having picnics on Sunday to bake sardines, chorizo and fevers, outdoor lunches during the reaping, the meshes and descamisada corn, firefighters and tanks are few and air assets nor there.
The annual cost of fires amounts to billion. 150 million in direct losses in the woods and forests burned and 750 million in products that are no longer manufactured in Portugal cfa 2013 due to lack of wood.
Why is the air combat fires in Portugal is fully concessioned cfa 2013 to private companies? Why are the testimonies of the popular early fires on several fronts, immediately after the passage of aircraft, remain uninvestigated? Why is there Air Force pilots trained to fight fires and spend the summer in the barracks? Most of the wood used to produce cellulose pulp may be used after the passage of fire without major quality losses. However, loggers pay one-third of the forest producers. cfa 2013 Who wins the deal?
There is land where there was fire a few years ago and are already urbanized or in the process of being against what the law says, according to journalists in the environment. While there are game reserves and tourist association in Portugal, the country will continue to burn, or to

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