Thursday, October 17, 2013

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If also recently appeared on the public, mostly chief keef kaykay inebriated state so that it barely able to maintain the legs, not to mention the singing. Problems with alcohol, which is often combined with antidepressants, persist with it already a few years after breaking up with Ladislav Staidl, with whom she has a son. Was treated in the Constitution, but it was short-aid. Every fight with her drink was finished so far unsuccessfully.
His newest savior Macura even before designated as a psychopath who haunts her. Now it ran over protection partner Josef reeve. Zdeněk Macura it in pitiful condition pulled unknown destination, which mobilized the Czech police. In short, around Iveta is still busy.
Czech singer is a tragic example that if someone will not sustain his own glory, this may be the way to hell, from which it seems no return. Deterrent could be even Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse, which was at the time of death in ourselves 4.16 per mille of alcohol. The young British singer but was also known by other scandals, the public several times to kill and one social chief keef kaykay event spit at her sister the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton Pippu.
So fame is not linked only popularity, but also exuberant nightlife and participation at parties, at not serving only culinary delights, but also alcohol. And that's just jump to drugs. Finds itself at the edge and model Kate Moss, which often liken to cocaine queen. A relationship chief keef kaykay with a drug addict singer Pete Doherty has Duplo helped her get out of addiction.
The drugs should close the former wife of Kurt Cobain Courtney Love, the experience chief keef kaykay with them in the past, not deprivation or Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey and Jodie Foster. Of dependence was treated with actress Melanie Griffith, who has undergone several withdrawal stays until met a Spanish actor Antonio Banderas, who personally pushed to the clinic.
Too bad that in the area of Iveta Bartošová is no such savior has not showed up. They tried several - George Pomeje, Italian Count Domenico Martucci and bodyguard Josef Rychtář, but as their reputation, their true intentions with the singer were obviously dubious. Hope that saves her devoted fan Zdeněk Macura, is therefore also very small.
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11th 07 2013 13:18 - Every family is so. 11th 07 2013 12:53 - where her immediate family???????? 11th 07 2013 12:49 - Do not judge 11 07 2013 11:36 - Intent 11 07 2013 10:54 - expletives telenovela
Iveta Bartošová gone mad! Why in the neighborhood fall head?!
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