Sunday, December 15, 2013

I went to FIN 19-21.heinäkuuta Carmen Grupin a guest visited his restaurant in their four (Cru, Pla

I went to FIN 19-21.heinäkuuta Carmen Grupin a guest visited his restaurant in their four (Cru, Platz, Ribe and the City Marina). All are located in Tallinn, cordon Cru and Ribe old town, Platz in the city center Rotermann Centre and City Marina, near the port terminals. Carmen Grupp of Estonia is one of the largest restaurant chain and owns a restaurant in addition to Carmen Catering. EST sooner than the 19 to 21. juulil Carmen cordon Grupi külalisena tutvumas cordon nende nelja restoraniga (Cru, Platz, Ribe and the City Marina). KÕIK restoranid asuvad in Tallinn, Cru and Ribe vanalinnas, Platz kesklinnas Rotermanni keskuses ning City Marina sadamaterminaalide läheduses. Carmen Grupp is the largest Eesti üks restoranikett and omab restoranide lisaks Carmen Catering.
GB More specifically, in the spring I was contacted by Estonia, cordon a well-known food blogger Wind Mathisen food blog ISE tehtud.Hästi tehtud. (Self-made. Well done.). cordon Wind is currently the CG's marketing director and is still a magazine Mari food supplier. CG's wish is to introduce my blog via the Finns in particular their own restaurants, and supply of the customers cordon taste sensations. Originally Wind suggested to me two access to the restaurant, but after I had already agreed to go to summer during my vacation in July in Tallinn, he proposed a me access cordon to all four of the CG's restaurant. Identify Tuuli with the date of the lock, and agree that found in the restaurant Crussa and after getting to know the other restaurants on your own. The early part of the summer I did some homework carefully, because I wanted to explore the restaurants in addition. people of Estonia gastronomy to the present day, and just beneath the surface cordon wind was in my eyes the right person for it. I've been following my blog through her visits to an invited guest in the majority of Estonian TOP 50 restaurants, being involved in many things, cookbook publishing, as well as the how she has followed the inside - and the outside activities of Estonian restaurants. I have over the years, to some extent followed the Finnish and Estonian ruokabloggaajien posts restaurant visits, cordon but the level is very diverse. That's why I decided to himself with his own know-how into this matter and let it be said that access to the Internet through a fine space dining'in content and I watched TV more closely to future programs catering operations. I wrote A4-sized paper full of questions and themes for the visit in advance. Our meeting with Tuuli was greater proportions than I expected, because the Wind announced that he would ask for a meeting to crun the restaurant manager, Marge Männi. After 19 July at 18 I walked in to the restaurant Cru, it was a great surprise for me, because we were joined by yet crun chef Dmitry Haljukov, which has been selected to represent the drives within Estonia in 2014, the Bocuse d'Or - the chef Olympic Games. I have read the information crun web site and secretly dreamed of, can I go to greet him and to wish the success of the race, but now I was honored cordon to sit at the table next to him. It was very impressive to listen to him talk about his own ruokafilosofiastaan. EST täpsemalt öeldes, kevadel vôttis minuga ühenduste Eestis väga Tuntud toidublogija Wind Mathisen toidublogist ISE tehtud. cordon Hästi tehtud. Wind töötab praegusel instantaneous ka CG: I turundusjuhina and is veel ajakirja Mari köögitoimetaja. CG: I SOOV it's my blog kaudu esitleda own restorane eelkôige soomlastele (eestlastele is a need restoranid Tuntud) and pakkuda cordon nendes klientidele maitseelamusi. cordon Alguses tegi Wind minule ettepaneku tutvuda cordon kahe restoraniga, aga Selle jarel However, I was in my lubaduse andnud come suvepuhkuse in time in Tallinn, the tegigi ettepaneku tutvuda koigi nelja CG: I restoraniga. Panime Tuuliga kuupäeva place and leppisime kokku kohtuda Cru restoranis ning Selle jarel tutvun mina iseseisvalt teiste restoranidega. Kogu šover alguse tegin hoolega kodutööd, cally tahtsin tutvuda ka tänapäeva successfully gastronoomiaga pôhjalikumalt ning wind was minu jaoks just see õige inimene Selle jaoks. I have my own blog kaudu jälginud, kuidas to have külalisena käinud enamikus Eesti TOP 50 restoranides, löönud kaasa mitmes toidukultuuri sündmuses, avaldanud kokaraamatuid, hinganud Sisse seestpoolt and jälginud väljastpoolt Eesti restoranide tegevust. I ise aastat jooksul veidi jälginud soome and successfully toidublogide cordon mailing restoraniülevaadetest Eestis, aga nende balance on väga clerk. Sellepärast otsustasin ise your oskusega Votta asjast selgust and olgu öeldud, you Tutvus internetavaruse kaudu fine dining'u sisusse and jälgisin tähelepanelikumalt TV: st tulevaid saateid restoranide tööst. Koostasin cordon A4 thickener cordon Lehe küsimusi and teemasid külaskäigu jaoks ready and saatsin Selle tutvumiseks windshield. Sellega vôttis Meie kohtumine suuremaid môôtmeid, Wind cally teatas, you're the kutsub kohtumisele ka Cru RESTORE juhi Marge Männi. However, astusin 19.juulil at the 18 Cru RESTORE Sisse, was minu üllatus large, cally Meie seltskonda li

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