Wednesday, February 4, 2015

According to Russian scientists, the theory that life was brought from space confirmed experiment s

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According to Russian scientists, the theory that life was brought from space confirmed experiment satellite "Foton-M" Br. 4 in November returned from orbit. In the second half of November Russian scientists reported that experimentally confirmed the possibility of life on Earth have been adopted by meteorites. As I said at the Institute of Microbiology of RAS Alexander Slobodkin, it happened during the return of the orbit of the satellite "Foton-M" no. 4. It became clear that one of thermophilic bacteria can survive on the surface of the meteorite while passing the dense layers of the atmosphere. As stated cooking classes chicago by representatives of the Institute for Medical and Biological Problems in PAH, it is thermophiles living in hot objects such as Kamchatsky thermal springs. There is formed cooking classes chicago sludge in which the temperature exceeds 100 degrees Celsius. During the experiment, "Photon-M" survived in truth, only bacteria in 3 of 24 special cells located on the surface of the spacecraft. "These are very few cells, not even a hundred," said the scientist. A year earlier, when it launched the satellite "Bion M1" space survived other bacteria - Bacillus pumilus. Bacteria will eat MBC? Once found in nutrient medium cooking classes chicago already on Earth, bacteria "Foton-M" began to multiply. Indeed, it is considered appropriate to this fact as full confirmation of the theory. Summers with bacteria was at an altitude of only 575 km. If he could rise higher, the conditions would have been different, the effect of radiation would have been higher. "It's hard to say if I survived microorganisms under such conditions. But to claim with certainty that space radiation will kill everything cooking classes chicago living in space, is currently cooking classes chicago impossible, "notes the director of the Scientific-Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University Michael Panasjuk. After all, at this stage of scientists now succeeded at least two refute theories - that living organisms do not survive in an open space and fall of a meteorite on earth all microorganisms burning. True, the latter statement required to be specified. Committee members meteorites of PAH Grohovski Victor is convinced that no one organism can not survive on the surface cooking classes chicago of the celestial body when the body enters the dense layers of the atmosphere and 90% of his body completely burnt. cooking classes chicago He is sure that the confirmation of the theory should not on the surface, but inside the heavenly body. Bacteria have already proven that they can adapt to the living conditions cooking classes chicago of the least space stations. The Earth behaved relatively peacefully. Once found in the atmosphere of the orbital station, bacteria were forced to conquer new places to stay and to "eat" all non-metallic surfaces.
Ecumenical plankton Earlier in the Federal Space Agency of Russia confirmed that the surface of the ISS can be found microorganisms remaining after preparation and launch of the modules in orbit. This was confirmed by analysis of the probes according to the "Test". In four of the 11 probes were discovered bacteria, fragments of DNA heterotrofniot marine bacterioplankton living in the Barents Sea. It all leads to an absence of highly toxic rocket fuel. The appearance of traces of marine plankton scientists cooking classes chicago understand by the altitude of 40-70 km form much space dust that contains biogenic substances and microorganisms. There are neglected occurred air currents. In addition there is a theory that all organisms have no earthly origin. It was not immediately possible to confirm cooking classes chicago or refute it, because scientists can not say with certainty that all studied bacteria cooking classes chicago that exist on Earth. "The question of the creation of life on Earth has a fundamental character and no adequate cooking classes chicago response. We simply do not know. Hypothesis brought life of the universe was invented long ago and practically nothing to offer. It is popular because of its simplicity. Where is life? From space, and so the question is, seems closed, "complained the conversation with" Russian speech Macedonian "the head of the Institute for Space Policy Ivan Moiseev. Martian theory Moses believes that the discovery of the Institute of Microbiology of RAS does not mean that life on earth could be adopted by meteorites. Space expert reminded that space is filled with galactic cosmic radiation. These are atoms of heavy elements at very high energy passing through practically all obstacles. The interaction cooking classes chicago of these atoms with any complex molecule leads to its destruction. "If we assume that the weather

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