Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hi! This discussion I wanted to record james beard house because it is much nonsense out grnr gave

Hi! This discussion I wanted to record because it is much nonsense out grnr gave birth applies cook profession. Can frst begin with that Norway has very F cooks, very f who will graduate to chefs, james beard house is it unfortunately very good reason. Is trained chef himself, loves to cook, Hate profession. Miljet and how it has been. I've always wondered p SUPPORT Why we chefs s low living age. Is it p because cooks drink a lot? It does not me reality, the e many more professions where they drink much more. I sat in a r "researched" p it may well say, or observed what is it exactly that makes the cook has s be poor when health ?? There are many who say that it is the alcohol, but it does actually only one veeeeeery small role. An adult man needs about 21002800 kcal idgnet CA. it spr how big the person is whether james beard house he is active. But chefs ingesting james beard house Laaangt james beard house more than what they need, what the p because of tastings, food bit here there. It happens verry often beacuse for lunch / break meals. One must not forget all those cups of coffee they are ingesting. I was one of those who put everything in me, tasted at all, eat so much that I just simply flte me tired, trtt, relax. You could see it throughout the incensed. Did not have time to g row exercise, if I had the time I had no shape. You choose yourselves what you put in you. But be poor when health come with this profession. It is not just talking about what they put in, but what they smell. They cook, sauces with much fat, in Christmas time s is the kitchen james beard house fully with pinnekjtt, ribs etc .. We str cook steaks breathe fat all day, from 8 in function - 12 hours 5 days week. It may be far from healthy. I inns to finish that this profession here is a wonderful profession under the wrong hands. I take n exam subjects begin at school again "rmme" profession take a different path. It's not about P dropped as the chefs says in the papers, it's about how little we left. I got 135kr per hour. I worked as a sweaty pig. Vennine my work on kiwi servant 138. She unskilled or something earns more than me. They wonder still p why do not they are several james beard house chefs. resturant EIRENE servant GREASE p the Restaurant. What they forget is that there are actually chefs servitrene james beard house that holds the Restaurant alive. Instead of sharing a fair slice of the cake, because we cooks not shit compared what we brde. Chefs are seen at that maskiiner actually s user chefs n about Dagne, n m can work as an "machine!" . Which means you'll work like hell sjappt without errors. They expect it inhumane by a chef with shit salary. How can you expect that youths james beard house will d early that resturant eiren shall serve fat? the dream was shattered by my having been the prvd me all kind of cook jobs that exist. For show what I'd been saying nonsense ger would rather not been the lack of chefs, youths today are not relax, they know what they want in life want to enjoy live more than we does fr, instead of living james beard house in ein empty false dream. What do you think? you think cooks brde FTT a larger james beard house piece of the pie? No. resturant owner says, "We are one big family" brde not family st together actually fit on each other?
Hi! This discussion I wanted to record james beard house because it is much nonsense out grnr gave birth applies cook profession. Can frst begin with that Norway has very F cooks, very f who will graduate to chefs, is it unfortunately james beard house very good reason. Is trained chef himself, loves to cook, Hate profession. Miljet and how it has been. I've always wondered james beard house p SUPPORT Why we chefs s low living age. Is it p because cooks drink a lot? It does not me reality, the e many more professions where they drink much more. I sat in a r "researched" p it may well say, or observed what is it exactly that makes the cook has s be poor when health ?? There are many who say that it is the alcohol, but it does actually only one veeeeeery small role. An adult man needs about 21002800 kcal idgnet CA. it spr how big the person is whether he is active. But chefs ingesting Laaangt more than what they need, what the p because of tastings, james beard house food bit here there. It happens verry often beacuse for lunch / break meals. One must not forget all those cups of coffee they are ingesting. I was one of those who put everything in me, tasted at all, eat so much that I just simply flte me tired, trtt, relax. You could see it throughout the incensed. Did not have time to g row exercise, if I had the time I had no shape. You choose yourselves what you put in you. But be poor when health come with this profession. It is not just talking about what they put in, but what they smell. They cook, sauces with much fat, in Christmas time s is the kitchen fully with pinnekjtt, ribs etc .. We str cook steaks breathe fat all day, from 8 in function - 12 hours 5 days week. It may be far from healthy. I inns to finish that this profession james beard house here is a wonderful profession u

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