Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Inquisitive småkalver meets us within doors. One of them was born just two days ago and is still go

Articles No økouka without barn dance Everything is interconnected How healthy is organic food? Part Call the square Criminal raw milk spent coffee grounds engages flows to the opening of ØKOUKA Preparations for breakfast civ Program WHOLE WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday DRAMMEN About Økouka Contact
- Life is more than just minerals and salt, believes Find Dale Iversen, biodynamic farmer Berg bogs farm. During ØKOUKA he was one of three farmers who were visited by chefs and professionals who wanted to learn more about organic food production.
It is early morning in Oslo. It sums of light rush and works as 18 professionals civ and foodies arriving a cloudy opera. The bus is waiting. It shall lead them out of town in the direction Rygge, and during the next six hours we shall drop three organic and biodynamic farms. The success of last year's "The food's origin - farm visits for cooks", repeated, and is a collaboration between the Farmers' Union, OQ and biologically dynamic association.
- With ØKOUKA we want to reach out to many different professions. It is important for us that not only consumers, but also cooks and professionals to know which wonderful fresh produce farmers in our immediate civ vicinity actually produce, civ says Alexandra Devik, coordinator Økouka.
We turn into the yard on Bjølsund farm where the farmer Stig Gammelsrød waiting. The farm counts 120 animals, of which 60 are milk cows. Each of them provides civ 50 liters organic milk every day. Even for conventional civ operation is much milk. People are already impressed.
- The economy in my ecological barn is just as good, or better than, a for conventional barns. The production method civ is challenging, civ yet satisfying, says Stig. Until 2006 he had even conventional operation. Then it was added on to robotic milking new barns, and the following year he also about to Wholly organic dishes civ milk.
Inquisitive småkalver meets us within doors. One of them was born just two days ago and is still going with their mothers. A shaggy, spe chap with black and white spots. Mora pushes loving the little calf, where they are in their private cubicle. Minimum three days shall mother and calf walking together after birth, and a minimum of three months, the calf in an ecological barns have access to cow's milk. Conventional operation has no claim to any of the parts.
Beep, beep, beep, beep. A rotating robot working slowly down barn floor while pushing high closer cows. Cows come automatically to eat when they hear the beep from the robot. Stig does two things: he saves time machine uses to push the hay closer cows (who throws it around when they eat), and that the cows in periods otherwise there is absolutely quiet (as the middle of the night) is activated by robot feeds them.
An enormous civ robot takes care of milking. When the cow feels ready, it goes even into the machine. A microchip around the neck tells the machine which cow it is, where the teats are on her and how much milk she tends to give.
With us in the barn Jens Edvard Kase, vegetable farmer on the neighboring farm. One of last year's calves napper him playfully in the jacket. The two go good advantage civ of each other. Carrot production is shared and moved from field to field, depending on the crop rotation, Jamie has grass area for the cows, Stig has fertilizer for vegetables. Also another farm neighbor, Peter, participates in the ecological math with corn, carrots and potatoes. An ecological ALIANSE.
- Organic farming, we must begin to do things before civ we intend to do it. For tomorrow may rain and then it can be too late. We must constantly be in advance. Can you do that, you're well on the way, says Jens. This year he packs 400 tons carrots on his farm.
Weeds are the biggest challenge. Already in autumn starts fight against weeds to ensure good crop next year. When it is not allowed to use pesticides and artificial fertilizers, organic civ farmers compensates with Radrenser, fabric and mesh. Anything to preserve the natural, slow growth in an organic carrot. It's the taste that makes people by habit choose organic. When it comes to the carrot, trumps taste price. civ
- A stressed carrot could taste so bad as mineral spirits or kerosene, he explains. Even experienced, civ of course. Precisely because of taste, civ also conventional carrot farmers started using organic methods. Only positive, says Edward.
- Not initially. It depends entirely on what has happened with it until it comes out in the store. There is a difference between civ a carrot that has been shipped from Israel and a carrot that comes straight from a farm in Norway. Durability is measured on the basis of when it is packed, explains Jens Edvard while munching carrots.
Coffee and carrot muffins. civ It warms well to get into the bus again. Autumn cold creeps on. Last stop is the farm to Find Dahle Iversen: biodynamic Berg Myra farm. When we arrive the sun shines through the clouds and lit up the yard. Berg marshes is sheltered, surrounded civ by every conceivable vegetable varieties. A puppy dog charms

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