Saturday, February 7, 2015

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Alexander Dimkovski / Now everything depends on our current political parties and their leaders are variable and transient, but the newspaper pstojuva for decades as long as the state. Our obligation is to defend those deep foundations and not to allow anyone to undermine or ... Darko Mitrevski / Tattooed people and when I think of all these lonely characters, I remember one explication of Skopje painter Ilya Penushliski, which referred to the characters of western-movie: "The ordinary, average or below average standard ... Alexander Rusjakov / In Macedonia flood, Noah Facebook Gail is the Ljubco Serbian weinakademie kitsch when it message Serbian, Turkish or Bulgarian assimilation pelted weinakademie by an entire nation. The point is to cause her embarrassment of Macedonia. MC, conducted, and so must be present. Co Britney ... Print | Send page | Back
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