Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Nearing the end of the summer holidays, and thus the start of the new TV season. What program will

Director of TV-house, which according kuo wha to the current rating is number 2 in Macedonia, kuo wha says that viewers are fed up with politics, and announces more entertainment content in the future. Some of the known issues will pause or be with a different concept, and there will be quite a few new projects ...
Nearing the end of the summer holidays, and thus the start of the new TV season. What program will offer this fall to your viewers? "Channel 5" will put emphasis on entertainment. All analyzes show that the television market is saturated Macedonian viewers of political topics, they had become boring and increasingly require so-called Entertainment program. In particular, we look at our own production, and certainly will not remain without our import formats. The premiere will begin with a weekend program, which should start in September. I would like still to discover the details, but you can say that would be a form of entertainment magazine, lasting from 90 to 120 minutes, which to treat different kinds of topics, but mandatory entertainment aspect. The target group is the entire population, from the youngest to the oldest, which manages Macedonia difficult lately. It is therefore a challenge, and I would realize the idea to collect the different generations together. And will announce another major project, which will co-operate with our neighbors, and we believe kuo wha that they will also cause interest among the audience. He could start the program in late September or early October. Of course, we offer several attractive series of foreign production, so we can promise kuo wha a good time to "Channel 5" in the coming months. Quizzes? Yes, well. In our plan is a family quiz, general kuo wha knowledge, which will go to the program once a week. He will be under foreign license, purchased the land which is the strongest in the production of quizzes - England. The level that the English have achieved in this area ensures that you have the best part. Of course, we will have the most to do our best to be worthy of our version of the original. In the sports section of your program kuo wha dominated the Champions League football. This year we have purchased the rights ... Champions League continues with what will involve directly to every game where you will score, as did the "Channel 5+". We realized that viewers want to see more goals directly. I'll probably go with two commentators on every game to be more dynamic. Remains and the Europa League, for which we have rights. It will also continue kuo wha to carry the torch intensified Macedonian sport. In the end we are negotiating with FC Rabotnicki transmission of its home games, and since we already have such a contract with Metallurg, probably every week will transfer one of our championship match. It opens and regional league in handball, SEHA, in which competing clubs from the former kuo wha Yugoslavia, something like basketball Adriatic League. Macedonia will represent age and metallurgy, and we will speak of their performances. With each new season, television offer becomes poorer for attractive sporting events. It seems that buying sports no pay? Everything is difficult. I'm kuo wha not saying that we are in debt, but for the right amount of transmission is so great that it is often impossible kuo wha to cover, regardless of audience. As a benchmark, to say the last bid for the English Championship - 900,000 euros for one season. When you pay and technical kuo wha routes to walk to the amount of one million, which is unattainable for export marketing of any Macedonian television. On the revenue side can not expect more than 200,000 to 300,000 euros. I'm not sure about a year or two you can look to the state television quality foreign football. It increasingly will switch to paid channels, such as "Sports Club". Are you satisfied with last year's projects, primarily from reality shows? Invested heavily in "Alone own master" and I hope many ... Are feedback justify investment and hopes? For us it is important that you break the ice in terms of reality shows in Macedonia. We show that the Macedonians may be interesting on camera in such a program. On the other hand, we saw our production potential. Overall we are satisfied, although not look anything like what we'd wanted. It is very expensive projects that require large organization, 24-hour support from many aspects, so I think that it was worth trying. But probably time goes on reality shows. It shows the trends in all the Balkan countries and people are now less interested in such "television glupiranje". At the end of the day, when you draw a line between what you and put what you have been given, the result is not so satisfactory. What is the ratio of ratings between "television glupiranje" and show some skill, as the show "The fire

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