Thursday, February 12, 2015

After the defeat and destruction of the Republic, Karev goes first in Belgrade and then comes to So

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Nikola Karev was born in Krusevo, 1877. In 1893 he went to work in Bulgaria, cook school where he worked as a masonry worker workshop Vasil Glavinov. cook school After returning to Macedonia, together with Welle Markov and other youth, formed Socialist group, and after the first socialist kokferencija joined the Democratic. After the death of Vele Markov became leader of the unit. He participated in the work of Smilevo Congress, where he opposed the decision to lift premature uprising. cook school
However, when the decision was made, he returned to Krusevo, where he was appointed Chief of Staff Gorski, who has already prepared the uprising. After the victory of the uprising, was elected president of the newly established independent Republic. That function is performed 13 days.
After the defeat and destruction of the Republic, Karev goes first in Belgrade and then comes to Sofia, but not being able to remotely listen to terror in Macedonia, heads towards the homeland. On April 27, 1805 died in the village of Kochan Rajcani. Nikola Karev belong to that group of Macedonian revolutionaries who were bitter enemies and opponents of any external interference in the Macedonian liberation.
"After the suppression of the Ilinden Uprising, my uncle and my father Petrus George Karev, cook school some time hiding near Krusevo, and my uncle Nicholas, president of the newly established independent Republic took shelter in the village of savages, then Oak and eventually in Mariovo. In the village cook school of savages met with Dame D Rouev, to map out the following activities cook school of the revolutionary organization. Three months after the suppression of the rebellion, Nikola Karev, along with a dozen fighters, somehow managed to cross the Turkish-Serbian border and arrive in Belgrade. Upon arrival, cook school Nikola sent letters to his mother cook school Mary in town. In that letter, which had long kept at home, and then disappeared somewhere, he said that to him in Belgrade "every day coming journalists, ask me about our struggle and wonder what it was that could force 13 days to keep republic among the Ottoman Empire cook school in the heart of the Balkans. " In Serbia, my uncle Nicholas remained until February 1904. During his stay there much helped the Socialist Party of Dimitrie cook school Tucovik. Grandma Mary those letters, and photographs, newspapers and other items of Nicholas kept as a sacred relic, but later the Serbs, Bulgarians and our communist government even took "recalls his famous uncle and his tragic fate, his now 76 year-old grandson of the brother, cook school Michelle Karev.
His father George Karev, the youngest brother of Nikola Karev, as 16-year-old participated in the Ilinden uprising, in the famous battle of the locality "Plum". He died in 1949 in prison "Prison" where serving sentence for the so-called Macedonian nationalism. The eldest brother of the president of the Krusevo Republic, Petrus Karev managed to outlive both his brothers despite all the abuses and Calvary who spent life. He died in 1968. According grandson Mise Karev, the old man died in great pain in my soul because nedostoinstveniot cook school and degrading treatment of the Macedonian government to his brother Nikola Karev. cook school Duke and president of the first republic cook school in the Balkans, the middle son of Janaki and Mary Karev, was killed in 1905 by the Turkish army in the village cook school of Kochan Rajcani.
"After cook school staying in Belgrade, where he gave several interviews to foreign newspapers about the situation in Macedonia, my uncle Nicholas, who at the time had 28 years, received cook school an order from VMRO immediately traveled to Sofia and there personally Dame Gruev to give forward the entire archive of Krusevo Republic. Although he had great reservations about shifting the archives of Krusevo in Sofia, cook school Nikola cook school arrived in Bulgaria in March 1904. By order of prettiness through channel organization, sends a message to his brother Petrus to exhume and bring in Sofia archive of the Republic. The archive was buried by a noise in the chassis layers just below the noise that 'the first to l illuminates the sun'. In April 1904 she, my uncle Petrus managed to track down and dug archive of Krusevo Republic. cook school Situated in kiradzhiski harness, precious Macedonian archive in May was already in Bulgaria, where he was handed over to Dame Gruev. Uncle Petrus telling me that when he arrived in Sofia, Nikola immediately took him to the restaurant where we waited prettiness. Passing the archives, he told Dame that take great responsibility upon themselves cook school carrying the archive of Krusevo Republic of Bulgaria. Uncle Petrus cook school was that Dame Gruev even threatened him Nicholas, who has long odlagal to bring archives cook school in Sofia. In the cafe where she was taken and delivered archive service

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