Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Endowment Anke and Arse Pajević at which the central branch of the Novi Sad City Library, last nigh

"Kata Nesiba": Fornication, business and the Constitution of the Serbs: the world - Culture
Endowment Anke and Arse Pajević at which the central branch of the Novi Sad City Library, last night was "close" to everyone here who happened to be on the promotion of the book "Kata Nesiba-true and illustrated history of a Belgrade harlot and her struggle for constitutional rights 1830-1851 "I type and" naživopisahu ", Veljko Mihajlovic and Dr. Ivan Jankovic.
The literary evening, entitled "Prostitution in Srba- case study", brought together an unusual number, online culinary schools immanent traditionalist-rule the household, cheerful people of Novi Sad, curious to know, what kind of hidden pages Studies of the Belgrade sex workers, Kati NESIB, deceased Djordjevic, with the first half of the 19th century, her life and the way of development, called entrepreneurial management (in the spirit of modernity), and her struggle for the realization of human and civil rights as guaranteed by Article 66 of the so-called. Turkish Constitution (ie the Fourth written order, or the Constitution of 1838.), and who are "gathered" online culinary schools and the world brought, skilled draftsman, printmaker and painter Veljko Mihajlovic, and izučavalac Penology, Criminology, Belgrade lawyer and legal thinker in the field of intellectual property rights, the death penalty and criminal law, Dr. Ivan Jankovic.
The context of the times in which the heroine of history Serbian fornication and his struggle for, "constitutional rights" lives is one that knows as historiography during the Serbo-Turkish dual rule in Belgrade (still online culinary schools then Kragujevac, the capital) which now counts about 12,000 souls, by ethnicity collected the Serbs, Greeks, Cincars, Turks and Jews. Turks power held in the name of the Sublime Porte, while Serbs within its autonomy, and in the name of Prince Milos Obrenovic. Political watching ', these two people do not like each other, which in practice becomes inconvenient since both have their own police and patrols, which one others make all manner of wickedness, all of which breaks through the back of peaceful citizens. Turks trial judge in the City, and the Serbs, their court named Magistrate of the town of Belgrade, whose president at the time of departure destiny Kate Nesibe was none other than the father of Serbian literacy, Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic. The authority is of the Town Hall stood so. Large (Court nationwide Serbian) in Kragujevac, which was "decided" I'm Prince Miloš that he could "within the authority" to any judicial decision change according to their whims, discretion and sense of humor, which is often done. Knjaz Milos is so once "written in Belgrade, to be sent from there to the public whores served for some time about stalled and the way in Kragujevac court." The curiosity in terms of the dual rule of judicial power, is the fact that foreigners then, is not judged by none of the above because people have enjoyed the so-called. judicial immunity, which the "civilized nations" protect his subjects from the barbaric justice of the Turkish Empire, and to them were competent consuls major European powers (Austria, England, France) stationed in Belgrade.
At that time, 19-year-old Nesiba (in Turkish noble, of good fruit) driven by expanding and improving the activity is coming to Belgrade, where a covenant but in other areas, and because the Turkish authorities even before you set foot on solid ground with water because arrived, traveling by boat, in the company of her mother, is being reported by "some malesija (then the term for Albanians) for the theft", her property online culinary schools was confiscated, the head of the Turkish police. As from an earlier age, was embodied in practice it folk saying "the prosecutor sues, the qadi judges you" that indicated the proverbial corruption of the Turkish judiciary, Nesiba comes to saving idea to seek protection of their rights with the Serbian authorities in Belgrade, and its solution destiny asking passing from Muslim in the Orthodox faith. online culinary schools Thoughtfully-achieved, and thus in the Monastery of Rakovica, Nesiba baptized and given the name Catherine, which in Greek means "pure". Such, then, pure and noble Kate Nesiba arrives looks at historical archives and to the Prince of Serbia, because she did all things confiscated express back, and then the action of the sympathetic and thorough study follows Kate Nesibe new life in Belgrade until the expulsion of the town , where she loses track.
Speaking about the motivations and desires regarding the idea that the fate of one Encapsulate harlot for the first time in Serbian literature, Dr. Ivan Jankovic said that dugodecenijskom collecting the sources of your history of criminal imprisonment and the death penalty in Serbia in the archives, coming in several times on behalf of the " judicial beings "with its lead heroine, and that of his friends who knew how to recount what we are met in the archival materials persuaded that such Encapsulate online culinary schools what:
"The interest we lay in the fact, to determine how the institutes of the Constitution affected the lives of ordinary, little people, because Kata Nesiba addressing Knjazu just call on one of the members of the so-called Turkish Constitution adopted in 1838, which regulated the internal affairs of Serbia. At the time without a lot of cultural and entertainment events, in which there was a lot of books, exhibitions, television, music, brings

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