Sunday, February 15, 2015

Positive thoughts, beliefs, life attitudes and dispositions 5 mother sauces such as optimism, appre

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Positive thoughts, beliefs, life attitudes and dispositions 5 mother sauces such as optimism, appreciation, inner peace and joy cause a positive physiological responses. The old adage "In a healthy body, healthy mind" may have to experience some changes.
Increasing attention gets the idea that a healthy, balanced and optimistic spirit results in healthy and vital body. It's not about new-age philosophy but on solid scientific facts. Our thoughts influence the work of our organs and the whole organism.
Gastric acid in thinking 5 mother sauces about situations that make us angry we all know. But few people are aware of the results of a large number of studies that show a clear link between negative 5 mother sauces thoughts and various disorders in the body, as well as positive thoughts and orderly operation of the bodily 5 mother sauces functions.
In the East, this idea has been known since ancient times and has been widely accepted, but the West is relatively new and still is the issue of conflicts in the scientific community. Many scientists old school hard to give up the idea that man is just a machine, and his thoughts only result of chemical and electrical reactions of nerve cells of the brain caused by stimuli from the environment.
However despite this, the purpose of spreading knowledge about the connection between mind and body, in the world today are springing up specialized institutes, research centers, shall be the increasing number of studies, recognized foreign universities allocate funds for projects such purposes etc.
More recent scientific discipline called psychoneuroimmunology, was founded with the purpose of these investigations. Numerous studies conducted as part of this discipline show that positive thoughts, beliefs, life attitudes and dispositions such as optimism, appreciation, inner peace, joy, and the like. cause positive physiological responses. On the other hand, pessimism, huff, anger, fear, etc. proven negative impact 5 mother sauces on the human body.
Although the principle according to which thought affects physiology is still not fully understood, it is known that positive thinking works on neurons in the brain causing chemical changes that lead to a reduction in the levels of stress hormones, while negative thoughts have the opposite effect. The reduced 5 mother sauces amount of stress hormones in the body, consequently leading to a strengthening of the immune system and increased capacities 5 mother sauces to cope with free radicals that can cause damage to cells and tissues.
These reactions are related to thoughts (and emotions as well as their consequences) that are present in patients for a long time. It is believed that negative moods shorter duration does not endanger the health or how the body has its own system of protection that is activated during such conditions. Therefore, suppression of negative thoughts and emotions are not useful for our body, but on the contrary it can contribute to the occurrence of disorders and diseases in the body.
Some of the benefits of positive thinking, with a strengthened immune system, and have a reduced risk of heart disease and problems with the digestive, respiratory, endocrine and other body systems. In addition to functioning in our physiology, emotions 5 mother sauces and influence on our intellectual abilities. So we have, for example, more creative, more intelligent and more focused if we are capable of satisfaction, gratitude, compassion and so on.
In order to develop positive thinking, it is necessary to first of all become aware of your thoughts. To awareness of thoughts, we can consciously to break negative patterns of thinking and replace them with positive ones. This does not mean we should just awakened from a state of self-contempt automatically go into a state of joy, but this substitution can take place step by step, building every thought 5 mother sauces to the following, which works on us to make us feel better.
Research also confirms that the application of some of the many available 5 mother sauces techniques 5 mother sauces of relaxation and turning themselves, such as yoga, meditation techniques and breath awareness, 5 mother sauces positive effect on mood and stop undesirable and potentially harmful thoughts flow, and therefore our health and longevity.
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