Friday, February 13, 2015

When they meet Cacic

When they meet Cacic's outrage and Brammertz recommendations, anyone clever to be imagined, and if it is responsible and in the place where decisions are made or the decision-making may be affected, and there is even a minimum how much does a chef make sense of the common good, to encourage him the action to the nation said and done on common sense.
In its appeal to common sense Cacic is based on the undeniable fact that industrial production how much does a chef make in Croatia today at the level of approximately 80% of those in 1990, accusing it of "the condition of parasitic layer called how much does a chef make political elite."
This one, however, and generally avoiding the real target, it would hit himself, points to the voluntaristic running the country and the repercussions that such conduct would have on the economy in general and the industry in Croatia in particular.
Tuđmanizam, primarily because of the malignant nature of Tudjman's personality and his essentially absolute power derive all the difficulties with which we encounter in Croatia and for its elimination to date and there was no political will.
If we go back twenty years in the past, then after Tudjman's destructive march, described the phrase "the creation of the state", followed by "perform on the right path" that tarsira how much does a chef make omnipotent Borislav how much does a chef make Škegro, a man whose power is derived exclusively from Tudjman's unreserved support, because in Croatia of that time there was no economist nor any businessman of names, which would at least symbolically support Škegrinu economic policy. And it was inaugurirnje INDUSTRIAL policy "smuggling-Commerce" at the expense of domestic production, which resulted in shutting down or liquidation of its manufacturing enterprises.
Almost disappeared Croatia machine building, production of machine tools, tractors, flexible line ... what to you now and then we run into are just pathetic stumps once powerful in the world famous how much does a chef make companies, companies that are zapošljvale hundreds of thousands of workers and a large part of its production to export ...
For example I cite the production of tractors in Bjelovar just because I recently spoke with longtime director how much does a chef make of the Bjelovar, then, Umibe a part of which was the tractor factory "Tomo Vinković", then I'll ask him how today tractor products in Bjelovar year, and He says:
Upropaštavnjem large companies created the double damage, with hundreds of thousands of lost jobs and production for export, disappeared and powerful how much does a chef make processing services and development institutes, which the company had in its composition. Crafts and SMEs can be carriers of development, for its own development is quite expensive "sport", in which it is necessary that from idea to realization of the project that brings revenue take years.
Destroy is extremely easy, Tudjman did not need even a year to destroy every living thing, and get in the way of bringing the nation's common sense should say loud and clear that the violent, Croatian separation from Yugoslavia, starting the war for territory and ethnic cleansing, DR is was just it simply abolished approach Croatian goods on the market of over 20 million people.
For example, a great company where I worked was 50% of their goods on the market in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, 10% are sold in Croatia, 10% were pulled from the second Yugoslavia, and the remaining 30% remained in exports. Which company, which overnight will of policy runs out 60% of its placements of goods, can survive such a shock? It meant that in mid-1991 to a total of 1200 workers how much does a chef make for 700 of them in the company no longer work.
Bringing common sense is something that can not be achieved in a year or two during one term of a government, how much does a chef make it takes a lot more time, especially as they, who have profited from the war, and among these is one not so narrow parasitic layer, which not only about politicians, will not
I Čaćić otherwise not elitist, does not belong to this layer, so surely that is ready to implement radical detuđamnizacije and dismantling proclaimed the truth, which is a conditio sine qua non of any apprehension of the people mind.
Here, the signs of the beginnings of bringing the nation's common sense suggests this beautiful personnel issues in the ministries, which will certainly benefit from the creation of the investment climate and create conditions for the restoration industry, means the line, without tendering, hire the remaining party "good guys", who could not be uhljebljeni on advocacy, Ministerial, vicarious, places how much does a chef make CEOs of public companies, board members, or at least members of the supervisory board.
Because institute a public tender, as taught us Cacic, actually a way to "street" how much does a chef make through the back door to him as a coach, "posatavlja guards and half the team", ie the bosses cabinet secretaries and spokespersons, him as a minister in defiance.
It is known that until now, as before in undemocratic "dark", how much does a chef make so today when we lit dosed democratic "light", the ministries employ people against the will of Ministers, but to spite them.
E but have in the party "nice guy" who does not meet the conditions of the tender invitation, a minister just

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